The Little Bubble

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Niall had been upset about Greg's reaction all week. It obviously wasn't the reaction you hoped for when telling your family your plans to have a baby, but we couldn't really change their minds.

"Look at him! Over there at me Mam's. He's doing this to piss me off!"

"It's clearly working! Get away from the window, you look like a creep. Come get the roast pan for me."

I feel him pressed against my back as he reaches up for the pan.

"He's my big brother! He's supposed to be happy for me and support us, not worry about my career.

From day one he's used my career to his advantage and it's not fair. He's not worried about how it will effect me, he's worried about himself."

I set the pan down and turned to face him. He looked so upset, it was a mix between angry and sad and I just wanted to hold him and tell him everything would be alright, but I knew Greg wouldn't be the only one that had an issue with our situation.

"I know it sucks, you want your big brother to be happy for you, just like you were happy for him, but if you think that he's the only one that's going to have an issue with us having a baby you're in for a very rude awakening.

Your fans are going to want to kill me. I've seen the shit that Louis and Briana have dealt with so far, I doubt the rest of the guys are going to be very supportive because unfortunately, Greg is right. Having a baby and touring will be hard.

Plus we're going to have to deal with my family and if you think my dad is going to be excited that his little girl is having a baby at 22, then... we're lucky you're cute and we better hope the baby gets my brains."

"Oh fuck. I forgot about your dad. He's gonna kill me."

"Yeah, most likely."

"Maybe we should wait until after you have the baby to travel."

"Okay, I don't want to deal them either. We go have dinner with my family, tell them and then we miraculously have to go to London for your work stuff."

"When are we supposed to leave?"

We're supposed to leave tomorrow afternoon the appointment."

"Are you sure we have to go? Maybe we should just wait to tell them. Like nine months is probably a good waiting period to let them know."

I finished putting the vegetables in with the roast and slid it in the oven before slamming the door shut.

"Ya know what Niall, you're right. I'll go by myself. Why don't you just stay home for the doctor's appointment too. Sleep in, relax, enjoy some time to yourself. I'll go deal with my parents alone. Nice fucking team work babe."

I wasn't sure if I was overreacting, but I was having just as much anxiety about telling my parents as he was.

Being an only child who's parents worked the majority of the time made me somewhat independent, but I had always been a daddy's girl and the fact that he would be disappointed in me made me feel horrible.

I bury myself under all my blankets, like that will help block out everything around me, although I know it won't.

Not even five minutes later my cocoon is disturbed as Niall slips into bed with me.

"I'm a dick."

"I know." I say as I roll over so I'm not facing him. Those blue eyes will not win this time.

"I'm sorry."


"I love you."

"You're an ass."

I try to ignore the kisses he's pressing on my neck and shoulders but he's slowly winning.

"I am yeah... I'm just scared of your dad. He's huge and you're his little girl. If we have a daughter, reckon I'd kick the lads' ass who gets her pregnant... Banana, will you look at me?"

I finally give in and turn to face him.

"You're coming home with me. We'll tell my parents and we'll wait to tell everyone else. My Aunt Bekka has a big mouth."

"We can do whatever you want."

The next morning Niall and I were lead through the back of the doctor's office straight into the exam room.

After all of the standard questions and having blood drawn, I stripped down and put the paper dress on and waited for the doctor to meet us.

I was shaking with nerves, not sure what to expect and Niall was uncharacteristically quiet.

"Good morning. How are you both today?"

"Good." Niall and I replied at the same time.

She smiled at us as she took a seat on her little stool and wheeled herself over to me.

"Alright, you've got blood work done so we'll be calling you in a few days with results from you're five weeks... we'll have to do a transvaginal ultrasound since its still fairly early in the pregnancy. We still won't see a lot, most likely just the gestational sac. Have you been experiencing any symptoms?"

"Morning sickness, I'm exhausted all the time.... I'm constantly going to the bathroom."

"She's moody." Niall added.

"Alright, let's just lay back and see if we see anything."

I laid back on the table and tried to relax.

Niall came next to me and took my hand.

" little bubble is the gestational sac. That teeny tiny dot is the baby. We won't be able to see anything, like I said it still fairly early."


"That's our baby..." Niall brought my hand up to his mouth and kissed the back of it.

She took the probe out, "I'll let you get dressed and we can talk in my office, I'll answer all your questions."

I hurried to get redressed while Niall waited outside. As soon as I was done we were lead to her office.

"Alright, first of all do you have any questions?"

"Well first, we're supposed to fly to Indiana to see my family. Is it okay to fly?"

"You shouldn't have any issues flying, just try and get an aisle seat so it's easier to get to the bathroom when needed."

I could see Niall hesitate from the corner of my eye before he spoke up.

"I live in London most of the time...we talked briefly about her living with me..."

"And you want to know if it's a good idea or not?"

"Kind of, yeah."

I had forgotten all about moving to London. Although I'm pretty sure my mind was already made up.

"Obviously, you guys would have to get a new doctor there, but that would be something you would have to evaluate within your relationship. I can't tell you it's a good or bad idea because as long as you take the prenatal vitamins and take care of yourself, you'll have a happy, healthy baby wherever you choose to live. Now, let me know what you decide and we can set up an appointment in a few weeks. We should be able to get a better read of what's going on."

"Thank you."

Niall and I made our way back home before heading to the airport.

We laid on the couch staring at the ultrasound picture for I don't know how long.

"It all seems so real now. It's crazy feeling, yeah?"

"That's our little bubble."

"I love you and our bubble so much."

"We love you too."

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