Everything Comes Back To You

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Sara and I were back in London. Unfortunately it was without Niall, but he had a job to do and I wasn't going to be the one that got in the way of his career.

Plus, it was only another week and a half until he was back home after the Ryder Cup and Sara was keeping me more than preoccupied planning the wedding.

"Oh what about this place, it's perfect."  she turn the laptop towards me.

"7 bedroom house so the bridal party and parents can stay there, you can have the ceremony over looking the water and it's only 45 people max for the event."

"It's also 8 grand just for the event, 6 a night, plus 850 for a clean up fee. That doesn't even include everything else we'll need. Food, cake, photographer, DJ, bartender..."

"Han, it's perfect. Stop being cheap and call Niall. This is the place."

"Just book mark it and keep looking. At this rate I don't care if we go to a fucking courthouse and do it."

"Why are you so grumpy?" She groaned.

"Because I'm so uncomfortable! I have a giant stomach, my boobs are super huge and they hurt. I have heartburn like, all the time. I'm so ready to not be pregnant anymore and it's just going to get worse." I cried.

"Hannah, some of us can't have a baby so maybe you should be grateful that you get to experience this cause some people won't."

"Wait...some of us? Can you...not..."

"No, I can't. That's why Jeff and I broke up."

"Oh shit...Sara I'm sorry."

"No, don't. I don't want you to feel sorry for me. There are plenty of options if I wanted to have kids."

"How...I mean..."

"I missed a period and went to the doctor and they said I have uterine fibroids. Jeff was wanting to have a baby so he was pushing me to get surgery and try all these different drugs and look into adoption and I just... didn't want that.

I like my life. I can travel wherever, whenever and not worry about anybody and I can work on the road.

Seeing you happy and starting a family, I'm so happy and proud of you. Sometimes I think I'm missing out and that sucks, but in the long run...kids just weren't in the cards for me. Jeff wanted a family...he deserves to be happy, I just can't give him what he wants."

I went around the counter to hug her. I was turning into a giant cry baby, I am so over all these hormones.

"I'm sorry... I'm such a wanker."

She hugged me back and rocked side to side, just like she always did.

"It's fine Han, seriously."

"Hannah love, you here?""

"Shit, I totally forgot Niall's mam was getting in now."

"Oh my god, Hannah." She gasped looking at me in complete horror.

"What, what's wrong?" I cried starting to panic.

"You're turning into a leprechaun!"

"Fuck off I am not." I turned to go see Maura while I heard Sara laughing hysterically behind me.

"Hi Maura." I smiled hugging my future mother in law.

"Oh, there's me girl. And my beautiful little grandbaby, I can't wait until the scan."

I smiled and followed her into the other room.

"Maura, this is my cousin Sara. She decided to come keep me company while Niall was gone."

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