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An update is soon! It'll probably be a little later( like in four hours) but it'll be here. Then after its probably going to be about two days without an update, so I can write more chapters and be back ahead. Updates will be a bit slower on weekdays considering I'll have school, and with school I have to take showers, do homework, and take a Tylenol before I can even start the writing process. So I'm going to make this short so I ca my go get the next chapter finished and start the next one tonight. And also don't think that I'm abandoning you if I go a couple days without updating because it's not even three days into school and the teachers are already starting to give us homework so I feel like that's what most of my after school time will be spent on. Oh! And I decided to just knock off P.E and replace it
With art( on my schedule) so I'm a bit happy right now meaning this chapter coming up should be a happy one as well. We'll see you soon and keep being fabulous.

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