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i closed my twitter app and looked up as the girl doing my makeup finished. i looked in the mirror satisfied with her job and thanked her before walking away.

"are you going to talk to me?" sam asked, which in all honesty was a very stupid question. did he think i was going to jump into his arms and chant yes?

"no." i said, with a 'duh' tone of voice. he sighed heavily before talking again. "let's just talk, please. i just need to explain." "what was the point of asking me that then?" i asked. i know i was being cold, but my attitude is nothing compared to what he said about me. besides, if that's just what i caught him saying, who knows what else he has said behind my back. 

"i don't know, just, please penelope, one minute is all i ask." he continued pushing. i was seriously getting very frustrated with his persistence, but i was not about to let that show. i could not let him see that i care about him at all.

i simply stopped answering him, knowing he wouldn't take no for an answer. ignoring him is probably better than talking to him anyway. 

i spotted nate by the snack table and calmly made my way over, with sam still following me.

i casually brushed my hand over his shoulder as i approached. "hey," i said in my 'flirty' voice. "what's up?" he said, putting small snacks on a plate. "nothing. that movie we watched earlier was cool, we should watch another one soon." i said, purposely pissing off sam. 

i refused to let myself glance over to see his reaction, although it was tempting. "yeah, sometime soon." he said with a friendly smile. i smiled back sweetly then walked away. 

"five minutes!" the director called. i went back on my twitter and replied to some people. "penelope!" the director called me, seeming rather impatient. "yes?" i asked approaching. "okay, in this scene you are going to be dancing on sam while he lip syncs. "like almost all the other scenes.." i mumbled, loud enough for him to hear. 

he raised an eyebrow at me as if to say 'watch it', and i just walked away. something i seem to be doing alot today. 

"alright, places!" the director called. i took a deep breath before walking over by the rock we were filming by. 

the music began playing and shortly after the director called, "action!" sam lip synced along with the song while i grinded on him and played around. it was obviously very fake, all i wanted to do was kick him in the balls.

if i'm being entirely honest though, it did feel nice to have his hands on my body. i guess i could consider this an excuse, although i would pretend to hate it the entire time. 

sam ran his hands over my stomach and sides as i rubbed myself against him to the beat of the song. i knew he was enjoying this as well and it pissed me off.

finally that portion of the song stopped and we were done. i immediately shuffled away before he could get a word out. 

"alright everybody, sunset shoot tomorrow afternoon!" the director called. 

i groaned, knowing it was going to be a long week. i took my phone off the table i left it on and looked at any notifications. i noticed nate tweeted 5 minutes ago, 'netflix and chill?' he must have tweeted this while we were filming. 

i smirked to myself proudly and before i could react further i heard laughing behind me. before i could roll my eyes assuming it was sam, it turned out to be nate as he put his hand on my shoulder.

this is a good sign, usually it's me that comes up to him. "enjoying yourself?" he asked jokingly, referring to my groan. "definitely! i'm having an amazing time!" i said sarcastically, adding emphasis on the word 'amazing'. he simply laughed as we walked up to the beach house. 

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