The nightmare that haunts her

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So this is my first ever story, so it won't be very good, so while I don,t mind constructive criticism, please don't give me any harsh hate for it. I don't own fairy tail or any of the characters in it.This story should be quite short, but let's get on with it.Spoiler warning if you haven't watched past the Tenrou island ark, don't read.
Wendy's point of view:
"Grandine ,Grandine don't leave me please, you can't leave me."
She had left her. Left Wendy to walk through a never ending dark corridor. Leaving her alone in this fragment cold dark corridor. That was the first time she had been left alone in her life. And now she was about to be left for a second time in her life. Her feet silently crept along the dark floor. Until a familiar scent reached up to her.
"Mystogan is that you?" She hesitantly questioned. But Mystogan just turned away his back facing Wendy. He just walked off ignoring her pleads of loneliness for him to stay. Her feet forced her to rush after him.Not wanting to experience that loneliness once again. As she kept on running forward determined to not be left alone. Her master of Cait shelter stood in her way. A look of disgust on plastered on to his face.
"You should've never have been in Cait shelter. I should've never have created those illusions for a pathetic little girl like you!"
And with that once again another person Wendy cherished. Another person who Wendy thought of as family left her. But that wasn't  Wendy's true fear. It only lead up to what Wendy feared most in life. As she kept running in a confused lost state around this dark corridor. A light shines and glistened at the end of the corridor. She dashed towards seeking a way out of this nightmare,only to get dragged further in it. As she plummeted through the light, the fairy tail guild towered in front if her. A smile glistened across her face. And she pushed open the door to greet her family. But as soon as she opened that door, she was met with faces filled with disappointment and anger.
"What are you doing here, get out of here Wendy" Natsu shouted angrily.
"Natsu why"
"Look little girl just get out of here, find a new home"
" Gajeel"
She couldn't believe this her two older brother figures were disappointed with her. Didn't  want her in fairy tail, her home.
"You are a disgrace to fairy tail"
"No one wants you here"
"Your weak"
"Nobody wants you here, you don't belong here"
She could  hear everyone's voices around her head now. Gray, Lucy, Erza, Romeo,Macao,Cana, even Happy and Mirajane. Some of the nicest people she knew. Tears cascaded down her face. Her eyes brimmed with tears.
"You are no longer a fairy tail member" Master makarov exclaimed with relief. She screamed in pain and sadness as her fairy tail guild mark slowly disappeared, turning into magic particles. Her screams echoed through the guild hall and outside her nightmare.
"Wendy wake up"
Her eyes shot open and she sat up in panic her whole body shaking with fear. Tears still dripping from her face. Screams still coming out of her mouth.
"Calm down child what happened?" Carla asked.(AU: Do you guys prefer me spelling it Carla or Charle?)" I..uh had a... nightmare."
"What about child"
"I don't want to talk about it Carla, it was so horrible"
"We'll try and get back to sleep child"
I can't Carla, it's alright you don't have to worry about me get back to sleep Carla." Carla refused to go to sleep, so we headed to the guild hall early. I was so tired and shaken up I could barely walk.
I know crappy ending, but tell me what you think of the story, I think I did okay for my first ever chapter and story but tell me what you guys think.😊

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