Affects of zero sleep

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Wendy's point of view:
I didn't get a single, bit of sleep last night, and I was exhausted. My whole body felt like it wanted to drop down and lay there in an eternal slumber. Dark, forbidding bags,hung under my eyes, and while I managed to cover it up for the most part, I kept stumbling in my sleep. It was as if my body was in a never-ending cycle of being unable to sleep. At one point Lucy asked me if I needed help walking. But I politely declined. After 15 minutes of walking, which felt like hours, we arrived at the village, only to discover it was already under attack I could already hear,
"Fire dragon roar"
"Open Gate of the lion, Loke/Leo"
I quickly heard Gajeel, Juvia, Gray, Romeo and Erza join in, so I decided to get involved myself. I rushed up to them and filled myself with magic power.
"Sky dragon roar." I bellowed loudly. The bandits were sent scattering across the village. The remaining, blasts of air disappearing into emptiness. My nose tingled as I felt someone come near me, or should I say some people. Many tiny feet scattered across the battle field, following along were little shouts of joy.
They were the village kids, around 8-10, years old a little younger then me.
"That was so cool."
"Can you teach me how to do that?"
"You're so amazing."
They may have only been little kids, but it made me feel so good about myself. Although judging by how easy the bandits were to defeat I assume they weren't the real, deal. After all the racket, the mayor(or the chief) of the town, took a step towards us, a serious look stuck to his face.
"Look Sir, whatever your name is, those bandits were a piece of cake, no biggie like you made them up to be, now where's the reward money." Natsu said wildly and excitingly.  Lucy whacked him across the head for causing so much disrespect, I guess I'll have to heal him later.
"The bandits, you just faced weren't even the beginning of their power. You see they have a leader. He contains  nightmare make magic. All of us can't get any sleep at night. Some people at this very moment are trapped in comas his magic is that strong."
"Well where is he, we'll just beat him up right now." Natsu replied, Romeo quickly agreed with his idol.
"I'm afraid you'll have to stay here for now. But please do take your time to look around." He replied. " Some of the villagers have offered you to stay at there's." The boys went off to explore the village, where as the girls went into their house they were staying in for the night, except for Juvia who ran off stalking and screaming Gray's name.
As soon as we politely arrived a middle aged women was kindly making food. Lucy called dibs on going in the shower first, so me and Erza sat down on the living room sofa patiently, as I let out a long-kept in yawn. I felt a warm hand place it's self on my shoulder, I looked to see Erza's almost sad-like expression. I let out another yawn.
"Wendy, what's going on, you've not been yourself lately, and you look incredibly tired." Erza mentioned in pity. I've been getting asked that a lot lately, I need to learn how to hide things from my family. I only told her I've had trouble getting sleep, but I didn't tell her why, when she asked I replied, a little to quickly,
"I don't know."
She gave me a quick small hug, and turned the lacrima TV onto my favourite channel. I rested my head onto her shoulder but still refused to close my eyes. I was afraid of facing the nightmare that haunts me at night.
Thank you for reading, everyone hope you enjoyed that chapter , love you all, bye😊😄💗

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