Unable to sleep

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I couldn't really come up with an interesting title for this one, anyway thank you again everyone and thank you @lauwestra for the comment last chapter😊😃 anyway expect a cute big brother Gajeel and Wendy moment. I will add a little bit of Rowen but this story is mostly Wendy based.
Wendy's point of view:
The job we were taking, is to protect this tranquil,peaceful village from bandits who kept making a disturbance, it didn't seem like to much of a hassle but apparently these wizards were extremely powerful and contained unique magic that was never seen before until now. I won't deny I was more then a little nervous,but I had to prove myself to the guild, I didn't want to be this little,shy,weak and timid girl anymore. I have always felt like I weighed everyone around me down, and lately these nightmares weren't helping. I was always self-conscious over my magic, my chest size and most of all how others thought of me. We boarded the train, after paying for are tickets, and found a nice set of seats. I seated myself next to Gajeel and Romeo, and was facing kindly towards Natsu,Lucy and Happy. The green array of colour was already shining on Natsu's face as he was vomiting outside the window. I also swear I thought I saw and tint of lime,green colouring form on Gajeel's cheek bones. I hope I don't end up like those two. I felt really tempted to rest my head on Gajeel's shoulder,like he let's me when we're alone, but I can't do it now, I wouldn't want to harm his dignity. I could've laid my head on Romeo's but I don't know him awfully to well, but now is my chance to make friends with someone of my own age. I glanced at the train window as the reflection of magnolia stared back at me. As I stared at the window I felt my eyes droop into darkness.
"You're weak,pathetic."
My eyes wildly shot straight open, and a small shiver journeyed down my fragile spine. I shook my head in fear.
"Hey you ok, Wendy" Romeo asked.
"Oh umm... yeah I'm okay just a little headache that's all." I replied with a sweet, sincere smile. A flood of relief washed over me, as Romeo seemed to buy it, but Gajeel who was clearly listening into our conversation, raised a single eyebrow at me, questioningly, and Natsu followed soon after,however they didn't say anything, so I sunk back into the comfort of my chair.
After the train ride
It was well around midnight when we arrived and the moon rose high into the starry night sky, we headed into the forest nearby the village and set camp.
"Gray, my darling, won't you cuddle with Juvia, she's afraid of the dark." Juvia squealed as she practically threw herself onto Gray.
"Hey get off me." Gray exclaimed softly, but I could see a slight blush on his face. I giggled at the display of affection, if only Mira was here to see this. Erza and Gajeel set up the tents, while Romeo and Natsu worked on the small, blazing fire, which we all used to have are midnight snack, which was toasting mouth-watering,marshmallows onto the fire. As I chewed of the last of the sugary, gooey texture, I realised everyone was heading to bed. I headed towards my sky, blue tent, and curled up into my sleeping bag, and closed my eyes. However as soon as I closed my eyes my nightmare came rushing back to me. I shot up and panted restlessly, it seemed like every time I closed my eyes, the fear,it all comes racing back. I tiptoed sneakily outside my tent, careful not to wake anyone and breathed in the scent of refreshing air. My feet sunk into the fresh grass floor, covering them in dirt, but I didn't mind. That was the least of my problems. I sat down quietly onto one of the oak logs crowded around the fire, and stayed there in a quiet silence, refusing to close my eyes. But, it didn't matter. I could still hear voices roaming around my head.
"You don't belong in the fairy tail guild."
"No one wants you here."
"Hey kiddo, what's wrong with you, isn't it way past your bedtime." I heard a fairly deep and gruff voice say. The voice belonged to Gajeel. He must have heard me get up, I guess Cobra wasn't the only dragon slayer with sensitive hearing. It's nice to know he cares. But I still couldn't tell him the truth I wouldn't want to risk being a burden.
"I'm fine,just have a little headache, it's nothing to worry about."
"You sure about that because it feels like something more is going on with you kiddo, you can tell me."
I smiled at him, but said no more. He didn't have to deal with a burden such as myself.
"Well at the very least try and get some sleep." Gajeel said, but there was one more thing he murmured and it certainly did not go unheard by me, even if he didn't want me to hear.
"I worry about you, little sis."
Okay so that was it, probably my longest chapter so far, hope you all enjoyed that big brother Gajeel and little sis Wendy moment, but fear not Natsu will have his time to shine and maybe Gray as well and of course I need to add Lucy and Erza as the big sister figures. Thank you for reading😄😊☺️🤗

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