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Carla's point of view:
After Wendy heroically defeated the Chiefs brother, the village allowed us to go back to the guildhall, after The chief and his brother talked everything out. The chief was only trying to protect his brother from the red soldiers. The fight took a toll on Wendy, now something terrible had happened to her. After draining all her magic, combined with a nightmare make spell that had hit her, she was now trapped in a coma. But that wasn't the worst part. My sweet,little child had to be stuck in a nightmare, whilst inside a coma. It was rare case, in which no one can do anything about, all we could do was wait until she woke up.
"Wendy's point of view:
I didn't know what was going on, only the fact that I was stuck in the same dark corridor, like last time what happened when I slept. There was once again a glistening light awaiting me, and I just knew, if it was anything like last time, it'll lead to the guild hall. At first I didn't want to experience it again, I just wanted to run away from this nightmare, but I couldn't the only option is to travel further through it. I hesitantly entered the white light, to once again be met with the guild hall.
I walked in expecting to hear an array of insults, but no one seemed to notice my presence. I walked up to Natsu, Lucy and Happy, who was chewing on a fish. They seemed to be involved in a conversation, but they still should've noticed me. I waved me hand quickly infront of Natsu and Lucy, but they still didn't notice me, what was going on? I called out there names, even shouted them,but no recognition, no response. I tried to place my hand on Lucy's shoulder but it just went right through her. Wait what was going on, this never happened last time. Was I invisible to them. What was going on. I ran up to Gajeel, Levy and Pantherlily, screaming there names, but they couldn't hear me Gray and Juvia just gave me the same reaction. I then went up to Macao, Wakkaba and Romeo. They were all laughing normally, smiling more happily then ever before, like it was better without me there. Maybe that was true.
"Everything is so much better now that Wendy left." Romeo exclaimed.
"Absolutely son, she's a bad influence on you."Macao agreed, Wakabba siding with him. I can't believe it, did no one want me in the guild, it's not fair. At least Carla will always be there for me, right? I turned around to see Carla walking up to where Lucy, Natsu and Happy were. Happy offered her a fish, and she accepted for once. I never expected this. But but was adorable. Carla will see me, she'll know who I am, I just know it. With my hopes high and dashed over to Carla, shouting her name in joy.
"Carla...c-can you see me?" I asked hopefully. But no answer. I tried again. No answer. I tried a third time. No answer. Then Happy spoke up.
"You know Carla without Wendy around, you've become a really nice person, I mean I'm not saying you weren't nice before or anything, you just seem better off without her."
"Yes, now that child has left, I've changed for the better." Carla said in a sweet, sincere voice. This was horrible, to hear my best friend to say this, after all we've been through. One single tear cascaded down my face, followed on by many more.
Carla's point of view:
What I saw, was just horrible Wendy was crying, and she wasn't crying because she couldn't heal someone, or because she upset someone. She was crying because she was scared. She had to wake up, so they could talk it all through,Wendy please...
"Wake up."
A lot shorter compared to last chapter but I'm writing this before I go to school, so I'm sorry but thx for reading, love you all xx😊😄😃

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