Jonas pulled away from me and I looked at the door. Jonas was staring back at me. Weird.
'Gemma, how could you?' Jonas said, his eyes beginning to water.
'What did I do?' Now I was confused. 'And why are there two of you?'
'You answer that question,' he replied. He began to cry.
'I did nothing wrong,' I said. 'You came over and you sent me a text and you said it was probably Blake messing around and-'
Then it became obvious to me. I had kissed Blake.
I had kissed my boyfriend's brother.
But they were twins. I couldn't tell that it was Blake. I chokes out a sob before sprinting up the stairs and into my room. I heard arguing downstairs. I screamed into my pillow. Then my door opened and closed. Blake sat on my bed.
'Just LEAVE ME ALONE!' I shrieked. 'Look what you CAUSED! Now Jonas HATES me! I HATE YOU! How could you-'
He put his finger over my mouth and made a shhhh sound but I spat on his hand.
'Don't you SHUSH me, you idiot!' I screamed. 'Eejit! B***h! I can't BELIEVE you!'
Then my door opened and shut again. Jonas stood in my doorway, chewing his lip.
'Gem, I'm so sorry. I should have known. You thought Blake was me. I'm sorry.' He came to my bed and hugged me and I hugged back, glaring at Blake.
'If he wasn't you, why did he kiss me?' I said when we pulled apart.
Blake was silent.
'Tell her, stupid,' Jonas hissed in a cold tone.
'I like you,' Blake croaked out. I softened. It takes a lot of courage to tell your crush your feelings towards them. I smiled and nodded.
'Just friends, okay?'
'What's your favourite type of pizza?' Jonas asked Ariel, Jordan, Brianna and I.
'Pepperoni all the way!' We all chorused.
'Though it'd be nice to make my own,' Ariel said.
I giggled. 'That would be so cool,' I said.
We were all at Starbucks, me and Ariel and Jordan and Brianna and Harvey and Blake and Jonas and Joey. Blake and Jonas weren't talking. Because of me. Harvey, Blake and Joey had gone to get all our drinks. Jonas smiled at me.
'Of course,' he scoffed in a snooty-pops voice. We all erupted into fits of laughter. The boys came back with our drinks. I took my lattè from Blake and thanked him. Things were still very awkward between us.
And by the looks of things it tends to increase.