'This isn't true!' Blake said, banging his fist on the table as he stood up. Ariel rose too.
'How could you say that?' Ariel said. 'Why Blake? He did nothing wrong. He was with me all day yesterday. How do we believe you anyway? You're a liar.'
Hayden narrowed his eyes at Ariel.
'Shush, Princesa,' he hissed.
'No, rat,' she retorted. I grabbed her arm and sat her down. I stood up instead.
'Shut up, Hayden. Blake's no murderer. Get your facts straight.'
Blake smiled at me gratefully. Jonas was shooting daggers at Hayden with his eyes. If looks could kill...
Hayden jumped off his table , walked to Blake and threw a punch at him.
'How DARE you!' Jonas said. He lunged at him and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. Hayden doubled up in pain, writhing around on the floor like a dying cockroach. I stifled a laugh.
But I stopped.
It was possible for Blake to have killed Ryan. He was the only one in the whole school that wasn't with someone that night.
So was Ryan.
Jordan put a foot on Hayden's stomach and left it there. He was groaning in pain and telling her to stop but she ignored him.
'You're such a beast,' Blake growled.
Hayden got up finally and punch, kicked, slapped Blake.
A teacher walked in.
Well, not a teacher. The principal, to be exact.
'What is going on here?' she said. 'All of you-' she pointed at me, Jordan, Blake, Jonas and Hayden- 'to my office. NOW!'
'Explain.' Principal Monroe leaned over the table to me. And so I explained all of it. Ryan's murder, the accusations, the fight.
She asked everyone else except Blake, and they said the same, even Hayden.
She turned to Blake, who was on the verge of tears.
'Now, Blake, I need an honest answer from you,' she said. 'Please. Is it true that you killed Ryan?'
Tears spurted down his cheeks. He tried wiping his eyes.
And he did what I never expected him to do.
He nodded.
'Yes, it's true.'
And with that he stood up and ran from the room.A/N:
Dun dun dunnnnn!
I'm so sorry for such short chapters, but at 70 reads on this I'll make longer chappies, I promise!!
-Lolly xxx