I had a dream..

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I had a dream when I fell asleep. Well, everyone dreams once in a while.
But in my dream, there was a piano tune. When I think about it now, I can almost see the keys that were played. The song has lyrics, I think I can remember them. I shake it off.

It was the morning and I've been awake for 2 hours. I had been silent due to the fact Allen was still asleep on his wooden chair. Murasame was with Lenalee and Kamui, and Allen and I were alone. I was just me and him..
His hair was simply fabulous, I mean look at it! It's silver! My hair is just weird. Black with a strip of white. And I was born that way. It's all natural. NAT-URAL. No hair dye involved.

Anyway, Allen looked so peaceful sleeping. Like he wouldn't hurt a fly. But in reality, he'd do anything to keep his friends safe. He's quite fond of his anti-Akuma weapon. It's in his blood so he has to live with it, but him being him surprises me. He can cope with it, and I can't. I think about Murasame. Was my innocence a wolf, or did my innocence seal him away inside of me for no reason.

I quietly step onto the cold floor, I was bear foot, so I could hear my own footsteps. I didn't want to awake Allen. He needs rest too. He's been looking after me, and I've done nothing in return. I sigh as I walk far away from the infirmary into a room that looked like a study.
There was paper all over the floor. Books covered the table. And a bush of lavender hair was visible.
'Ohayo Kamui' I call out.
'Ohayo Kyouya D. Campbell. I see you're awake' Kamui implies.
'Yea. I left Allen to sleep' I say.
'How about we check that innocence of yours, let's see how it's healing' Kamui says.
'I, uh.. Ok' I say.
As much as I hate the order, I have a feeling this man is crazy in his own way.
I sit down in a seat, and he straps my arms down.
'Ah, this isn't going to do... You have wings too' he says, as he grabs the back of the chair.
'Sir.. What are you doing?' I ask.
'Inspecting you'd innocence. After we'll go to Hevlaska. She will check your Sync rate.' Kamui says.
'And what if I say I'm not human?' I ask.
'Oh, I can tell you're human' Kamui says.
He un-straps me.
'Activate your innocence for me' Kamui says.
'Innocence Activate' I say as my innocence is activated. My wings now visible along with my claw.
'Ah, intriguing. A parasite type, just like Allen Walker' Kamui says.
'Take a hike, me and Allen are nothing alike. We're just cousins, not related by blood' I say.
He looks at me.
'But you care about him don't you?' He asks.
'Of course I do! And sir, why are you doing this to me?' I ask him.
'You were injured weren't you, your innocence needs to be fixed.' Kamui implies.
'But Murasame healed me, I'm ok. Speaking of Murasame, where is he?' I ask.
'With Lenalee. They're both asleep at the moment. You gave us quite a scare yesterday' Kamui says.
'My apologies for causing trouble.' I say.
'No damage was caused and your safe, so it's ok' he says inspecting my innocence.
After he finished inspecting my innocence he speaks again.
'There. I'm finished. Your innocence is ok. How about we go see Hevlaska now?' Kamui says.
I just nod, and at that moment, Allen, Murasame and Lenalee walk into the room.
'Ohayo sleepy heads!' I say with a giggle, the look at me.
'Ohayo Takeshi' Allen murmurs sleepily.
'Ohayo Miss D. Campbell, Kamui' Lenalee says.
'Ah! Good Morning you 2! I just finished inspecting Kyouya D. Campbell's innocence!' Kamui exclaims.
'How is it?' Allen asks.
'It's all well, no damage was done to it and it had healed completely. So I needn't do anything to it' Kamui says.
'What do you mean do anything to it?! Even if it were damaged I wouldn't let you touch it' I shout.
'Calm down and keep your noise level at a minimum. Most of the Order is still asleep' Lenalee says.
Kamui nods with a grin.
I glare at Kamui.
'You were planning this.' I growl at him.
Kamui just giggled like a little kid.
'And so what if I did?' He asks me.
I speed all over to him.
'You're annoying, and you need to shut up' I say.
Allen begins to laugh, and later Lenalee joins him.
'I thought you said I needed to be quiet, yet you guys are louder than me!' I say.
Their giggles get louder.
I sigh. This was going to be a kind day. And I have a feeling, I can't escape.

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