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I had been gone for at least 8 hours, it was 6 in the morning and Allen was frantically searching my room along with Kanda, trying to find evidence of where I could have been taken away.. but the man who took me away, he was smart. He left no evidence, the only person who had evidence of this mans existence was me, and he got rid of that evidence.

I woke up chained to the wall, my body was sore and my arms just wanted to fall off. I had refused the food the man offered, how could I trust someone who kidnapped me from my home.

I called the Order my home.. just thinking about it makes me want to cry. And that's what I did. I cried until I fell asleep once more.

'Look at this pitiful child, crying and falling asleep.' A voice spoke beside my sleeping body.
He kicks my leg. And looks at my arms.

'Awh, she's already bleeding.' The voice says again.

'Tikki, didn't I say treat her like family once you retrieved her. Why is she tied up?' A new voice asks.

'Sorry Master, I'll take her to the spare bedroom right away. I needed to see whether she was safe.' Tikki speaks to the person beside him.

'Mana?' I mumble in my sleep.
The men look towards me. I wanted to open my eyes, I wanted to see him. But I couldn't, my eyes felt so heavy, I just wanted to sleep.

'She seems to recognise your voice. I'll take her to her room.' Tikki tells the man again.

'Make sure she eats something, she looks pale. Almost like she hasn't eaten for a long period of time.' The man tells Tikki and he begins to undo the chains ok my hands.
The man seemed to have noticed my hands were scratched and cut due to the chains.
'Clean her hands, I told you no harm must come to this girl. Asteria will get mad, so will Nea, once he arrives' the mans tells Tikki once again. He's incharge.

Tikki picks up my sleeping body, bridal style, and walks towards the empty bedroom, the man who seems to be Mana closely following.

The next thing I know I was sleeping soundly in a soft bed, covered by warmth. A man sitting by my side, the other in the kitchen making food.
I begin to open my eyes, and the first thing I see is the back of a mans head..
'Nea..?' I ask in wonder.

The man looks at me, that wasn't Nea. Nea had a soft look on his face, all the time, he was forgiving, this man had a violent face.

'Where am I? Who are you? Someone help!' I shout.
He grabs my wrist and I squeal in pain, upon my squeal he lets go and looks towards me.

'I'm sorry that I scared you, I'm Mana, Neas brother.' He tells me as I look at my wrists, covered in bandages that were supposed to be white, but somewhat covered in a soft red.

'I'm sorry for how Tikki treated you also. It was unnecessary.' He continues.

The man that kidnapped walks into the room. 'That's unnecessary, I could've apologised myself.' He says to Mana.

'You wouldn't have, don't lie' Mana talks back to Tikki in a violent tone.
Tikki just looks at Mana and back at me.
'Here food, you look like you've been starved by the Order' Tikki says as he places a small table over my body.

'I wasn't starved.. I wanted to loose weight.' I tell him.

'Loose weight? You look perfect the way you are!' Mana speaks.

'Though you could loose a few pounds' Tikki mumbles and Mana pinches his face.

'You said something?' Mana warms him.
Tikki violently shakes his head.

I grab the spoon beside the food that was placed by Tikki and get a spoonful of porridge just to appease Mana and show him that I wasn't intending to starve myself.

Tikki claps and I eat a bite.
'Not that bad is it~' he says in a happy tone.

I shake my head and smile 'No, it's pretty good'

Mana smiles at me, 'Good, eat and then we'll talk and show you around.' His tone seemed happy yet it had a hint of sinister feeling to it.

'Mana.. why am I here?' I ask him in between a spoonful.

He looks at me with murderous eyes.
'Don't ask questions, eat.'
I shake my head and eat without looking at him. He was once a nice man.. what happened to him.. why is he so..

'Sinister' a voice says in my head.


'Don't speak out loud, you're not dreaming. Anything you say to me, they'll hear.' He tells me, I just nod in response.

'I'll make sure you're safe, just comply with their rules for now.' He tells me.


I finish eating the porridge and smile.
'Done~' I tell them.

'Good! Here's a new set of clean clothes.' Mana hands me the robes. It was a dress, a navy blue dress with a blue ribbon for my hair.

'Blue.. your favourite colour.' He tells me.
I smile at him and nod.
Of course, blue. The colour of Aois name.

'Thank you!' I tell him and hug him.
They leave me to get changed. The dress was the same style as the Orders one, it was long and flowing but Navy, I let Tikki back into the room and he ties my hair up with the bow.

'Beautiful as always' Mana walks in and speaks.

'Thank you, Uncle' I tell him whilst I smile.
He takes my hand and walks me to all the different places in his home. He takes me to the meeting room, where everyone else resides.

'Everyone.. this is Avery!' Mana speaks out and Tikki looks out towards the others.

'Make her feel at home' Mana adds.

'She's been taken away!' Kanda shouts. 'We need to find her!'

'I know, we're trying all we can do.' Kamui speaks out towards Kanda.

'Kamui.. Avery is missing! And she's most likely been taken away by those people... the Noah family..' Allen speaks out.

'Let's find her!' Kanda says.

They all nod.

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