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I was introduced to the Family. They all seemed nice, all except from one..
Road Kamelot.

Maybe she was mean to me upon first meeting because her adoptive uncle was kind to me? Does she have some sort of complex?
Maybe.. just maybe, I should've been more careful and not have gotten stolen away from the Order..
I miss them..
I miss Allen, I miss his smile and his silly comments.
I miss Leenalee.. her calming voice and her sweet lullabies.
And I thought I'd never say this but.. I miss Kanda. I miss his voice.. I miss his hugs. I miss his friendly love.

Just then a tingling sensation rises in my throat, I release a cough, blood and petals spewing out of my mouth. I look out in shame, so this is what it's like missing someone.. being in a one sided love. I slowly bend down to pick up the petals and clean up the blood, the petals were from an Iris, representing cherished friendships.. of course. It had to be that flower, that damned flower which ruined my life.

Just as I finish cleaning up, a knock can be heard upon my acacia wood door.
'You may enter' I tell them, and with that, the door opens revealing Road and Tikki, they looked as if though they wanted something.

'Avery.. we heard coughing, are you feeling okay?' Road asks.

"Don't act as if though you care tarmac" Aoi says within my mind.


'I'm fine, thank you for worrying.' I tell her. She shakes her head and grins.

'I wasn't worried, Tikki was. He made us come in here to check on you' Road replies without a hint of remorse.

"That heartless-"
Aoi.. stop that's enough.

'That's fine, at least someone cares for my health. Tikki, thank you. Have you seen Mana?' I ask Tikki completely ignoring the fact that Road was even there.

'No I haven't seen him. Why, what's the matter? Is your health that bad? Was the coughing something we should be afraid of?' He keeps asking question after question.

Road begins shoving her face in mine, I completely ignore her. But Aoi kept complaining and so I made eye contact with Tikki who moved her out for a while.

'The cough was nothing. Don't worry. I just wanted to talk to him, that's all. It's been a while' I tell him.

He laughs.
'It's been a day'

I pout. Like that's a good thing.
'A day too long!'
I begin coughing again, this time holding the blood and petals hidden from Tikki and Road behind the door.

'Maybe we should get you a doctor..' Tikki suggests.

'NO!' I shout wiping away blood and hiding the petals before the 2 guests can see.
'I'll be fine.. I promise. I just need to rest and see Mana. It'll get better.. it's probably just a cold'

Tikki looks towards me in a concerned manner.
'You lie down in bed then, me and Road will go find Mana, we'll bring him to your room. Road, whilst I talk to Mana, make Avery some tea to help with her cough. One with honey. Want anything to eat?' Tikki explains and asks.

I just shake my head, I'm not that hungry, besides, I'm puking flowers, the only thing that's hungry is the thing that's causing this pain. It's hungry for more pain, more torture based off floral arrangements.
He ruffles my hair before walking out of the door with Road. She almost looked jealous when he ruffled my hair, though, I can hardly say I feel any remorse for towards her.
I go towards the bathroom connected to my room, I felt dirty after coughing all those flowers, and so I decided to have a quick shower.
I prepared all the things necessary, shampoo, new clothes, which Mana and Tikki provided me with, and a hair tie, a blue one at that.

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