Dear Stars

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(This Chapter will only be a collection of Averys diary entries, from the start of when Nea gave her the notebook, and up to this point, after her First Mission. Also, it's my birthday~ so here's a birthday present for you all~)

15th December 19XX
Dear Diary,
Today is my birthday, I'm finally able to go with Nea. Ever since he found me, he's been hesitant to let me outside.
He gave me this notebook to write in for my birthday. It was nice of him.. but maybe some clues about my existence would've been nice as well?.

Yours Sincerely,

16th December 19XX
Dear Diary,
Nea said that his brother Mana is supposed to come today. Apparently, I'll have more fun playing with Manas adoptive son that I would outside. We'll see about that.

Okay.. maybe he was right. The boys name is Allen Walker. Mana found him and took him in, a bit like Nea with me. Allen doesn't seem talkative, but his brown hair shines in the sunlight. I guess he's cool.
They also brought me presents! Mana got me a scarf, a blue scarf to be exact! My favourite colour~ Allen made me a little toy out of wood, we dressed it up, and we also made one for Allen! We made a promise. As long  as we have this dolls, we won't forget about each other. My first friend, is my cousin, not blood related.

Yours Sincerely,

1st January 19XX
Dear Diary,
So many things have happened, and to be honest, I didn't have the time to update the Diary up until now. I found out love is a lie. Always was, always will be. Yet here I still am. Strong and standing.
Yours Sincerely,
26th January,
Mana is taking me and Allen to see Conan and his companion. I've never met them but apparently they're really good people.

Update- oh dear lord, they're so amazing! Conan promised me a book! His companion Christie said he'd give me a cross once I see him again! Something to look forward to I guess!~
Yours Sincerely,

14th March 19XX
Dear Diary,
Another long period passes and nothing to say. Nea is gone. My life is gone, and is there something worth continuing for? No. I needn't even be here upon this planet. I can't find Allen, Mana is lost. All I've once had, has disappeared from my grasp.
Yours Sincerely,

16th June 19XX
Dear Diary,
Life in a forest doesn't seem too bad. The forest creatures have accepted me as one of their own. The forest accepts me, the wolves treat me like their child. More than Nea ever did. The wolves will have children soon and that's when I will play my part!~
Yours Sincerely,

18th June 19XX
Dear Diary,
Today, the last of the Cubs were born. And many tears were shed by both wolves and human as we found out the pack leaders child had died upon birth. I had to bury the cub, the wolf put up no fight. He was strong, like the forest. I feel like they're protecting me for a reason. Could it be..? The stars?
It feels as though they're always looking at me, crying with me, protecting me in ways I can't see.
Yours Sincerely,

21st August 19XX
Dear Diary,
Today is the day where the stars showed me the truth. Who would've know...? My father and my mother.. I'm related to the Goddess of the stars, the one who looks upon us in the night sky, Asteria. And I carry a curse.. 2 curses at that. I know everything about my family. So just in case I forget, I'll document it in this Diary.
Asteria was beautiful, prettier than Persephone, and that made the god of love angry. So she placed a curse of Asteria, a curse which meant no one could love her. But of course, some one fell in love with her. His name was Bronislavas. Because he fell in love, he was cursed also. Cursed by the stars that Asteria placed. That curse wasn't set by Asteria herself, but by the jealousy that riddled Persephone.
They had 2 children. Valentina and Ugnis. One meaning Love the other meaning Fire. They weren't cursed as children, but as Ugnis grew older, since he was the male child, he was passed on Bronislavas' curse. Valentina was the one that was protected from the curse. She became known as "The Holy One". Ugnis had to live with the fact that he was cursed, but he found a love and had children. He married a woman named Midori, or as I knew her, "mama". She was an amazing woman, she gave birth to children named Aoi and Avery. However, Aoi died before the age of 18, since he was older than me.
My real name is Avery.. and I bare the curse of the stars.
Yours Sincerely,

31st October 19XX
Dear Diary,
Today is the day I leave the forest, the wolves and every creature that resides in this forest.
No one loves me, and I don't want to make the creatures believe such false things. I'm a curse, that's a fact. It's best I leave and never return.
Looks after me Asteria, Aoi.
Yours Sincerely,

12th November 19XX
Dear Diary,
I was taken by the order. They found me and my innocence. Somehow.
It was supposed to be hidden. No one should've known. Was it you Asteria? Have you given me yet another curse to bear. Why can't you just leave me alone and curse someone else?!

Update- it's 3 days later 15th November. I've been asleep for 3 days due to a man named Kanda in the order, he injured me beyond repair. But I've met a nice woman? Hevlaska, and my cousin Allen as well as Leenalee!
Yours Sincerely,

12th December 19XX
Dear Diary,
Today is my first mission. I'm missing my legs because a shelf fell on top of me. Fun!~ So I'm in a wheelchair, with Leenalee and Kanda.
We're going to meet an old friend and his companion today. Conan and his partner, Hastie! Oh how much I've missed them.
Your Sincerely,

15th December 19XX
Dear Diary,
I'm writing today, in my wheelchair on a ship, going half way across the country to the USA to collect innocence. Who would've thought I was going to spend my birthday with the people who have protected me for the majority of the time I've spent in the order.
If something happens, IF, people of the Order, know that I love you all, you mean everything to me. And those curses, I will not pass them onto anyone, I promise. Once you find me, we can spent time in the fields with the wolf cubs.
Yours Sincerely,
Avery of the Stars. 』

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