four | the one w/ korean bbq

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"So, is this thing hard?" Jordan asked as he watched Heart eat her turkey club wrap from Trader Joe's.

"What thing?"

"You know, this whole modeling business." She shrugged.

"I barely started so I can't really tell the difference between what's hard and what isn't."

"I hear that. Hear it's a pretty rough world, but." He edged over the table a bit to eye Heart up and down. "You seem like you could take care of business." She arched her eyebrows.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He arched his eyebrow in confusion.

"That.. you could take care of yourself? What else could that possibly mean?" She shrugged as he laughed and shook his head. "My bad. I'm not trying to come off all strong and stuff."

"You're okay." She paused to finish chewing the food in her mouth. "When did you start getting into photography and stuff?"

"Always been into it. Just thought now would be a good time to really make something out of it."

"Well, that's cool." She smirked as she eyed his facial features while he looked at his surroundings. She found herself a bit mesmerized by his pearly, straight whites that when her phone vibrated to signal a call coming in, she slightly jumped in her chair.

Wardell Curry.

"You gonna answer that?"

"Uh, no. It's okay. Not trying to be rude and all." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before sheepishly smiling as she texted Steph: Can't talk right now. I'll talk to you when I'm free, love you! 💕

"I don't want your man getting all mad at me and shit." He chuckled. "I'm playin'."

"Wow, you're so funny." She said sarcastically.

"So tell me. What do you do when you're not working and all that?"

"Well I live over by Santa Monica so I kind of stay around there. I'm obviously not from here so I don't really know my way around.. Besides Disneyland but I don't wanna go there alone." She chuckled.

"Of course. It's cool. Just let me know when you're free. I'll take you around to some cool spots. If.. that's alright with you."

"Yeah sure. It can't hurt to finally have a friend to hang out with."

"I got you, Miss Heart. You like Korean food? Korean bbq and all that?"

"I love Korean bbq. But there's barely any spots back on the Bay so I'm all deprived & everything." Heart unconsciously pouted down at her food.

"Let's go get some later tonight. I know I just got a couple of things to do beforehand but I can pick you up so we can grab some for dinner."

"I mean I don't really wanna--"

"Come on, you know you want some." He smirked at her. "It'll be chill." Heart sighed before placing her chin on the palm of her hand.

"Yeah, okay. I am pretty down for some Korean bbq."

"Cool." He slid his phone in front of Heart. "Put in your number so I can hit you up later when I'm done with my errands."

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