thirty six | dreams

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Stephen walked into Heart's room seeing her crying on the bed, watching Selena. Heart had crumpled pieces of tissue surrounding her, watching the scene of Selena's death.

"Aw, baby. Not again." Steph chuckled. This woman may have watched this movie a million times, and she still found herself crying about it every time.

"Ugh, I just can't get over it. How sad is that? She was beautiful. Can't imagine losing your life at such a young age."

"I know, babygirl. It's heartbreaking. But sometimes, if that's how things plan out, then that's how it plans out."

"But, she would've been amazing to this very day." She sniffled.

"I don't doubt it. But, you can't go against God's timing, sweetheart. When it's time, it's time."


Stephen sat in the waiting room of the hospital with a pounding headache. He barely got any sleep, and barely had anything to eat. But those were the last things on his mind, being that Heart was sent into the OR for an emergency surgery. 

He couldn't even think about how he saw her, bleeding on the stretcher.

Barely awake and conscious.

"Steph." He looked up to see Logan handing him a cookie. "I got you something from the cafeteria to snack on." Steph chuckled as he gently took the cookie from the boy and pulled him into a hug.

"Thanks little man, I appreciate it."

"You sure you don't want anything to eat, Stephen?" Christen sat next to him, gently rubbing his back. He quietly nodded as he looked her in the eye, tired and afraid of what could come next. He needed their company more than anything right now.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Can't really think about eating right now." He softly chuckled as he looked back down at his hands, holding back the tears. 

"She's going to be okay, alright? Everything will be okay."

"I know. I just wish it could be okay at this moment."

"It will." Christen softly smiled.

"Come on, man. Let's get a little bit of fresh air." Draymond stepped in with Klay, ushering for him to go outside. It was quickly becoming late, and Steph felt like he'd been at the hospital for forever. He took a breath of relief, feeling somewhat good about standing outside in the cold air.

"You should really eat something, Steph. I could go and grab you some food, cause you need to get something in there somehow--"

"Thanks Klay, but I just want to make sure my babygirl's going to be alright first."

"She will. We just have to be positive about everything."

"I knew something wasn't right. I should've prevented this from happening one way or another, I just --" Stephen held his fingers over his eyes as the tears came falling down.

"Man, there was no way you could've prevented this from happening. Even if you tried, that situation was too out of hand. One of ya'll or even both of ya'll would've been in there."

"I should've stopped her."

"You didn't know this was going to happen, Steph. We all didn't. Like Dray said, it's inevitable. Things happen that are out of your control."

"God, I just hope she's going to be okay. I just hope she pulls through."

"She will. She's strong."

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