twenty nine | another goodbye

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 "No! N-no, doctor, please. You have to understand those are my parents in there! What do you mean they're gone! YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!" Heart continued to cry and yell at the doctor, as she was being restrained by Jomari and Auntie Lisa.

"Come on, baby. Let's calm down." Auntie Lisa calmly said, trying to sit her down.

"You have to do something, please! You don't understand, my parents can't leave me!"

"Heart, stop. Please." Jomari said as they successfully sat her in a seat. She cried harder than she ever had, gasping for air in between cries. Jomari tried to keep her warm as he felt her trembling in his arms, crying for his best friend's loss. 

Her parents were her everything. 

"Jome, what am I going to do now? I'm so alone. They're gone, I don't know what to do. I can't do anything without them."

"Baby, that's not true. You have me. I'm going to be here for you, and I'm going to take care of you, alright?" Auntie Lisa ran her hands through Heart's hair, calming her down as much as possible. Heart continued to cry in Jomari's arms, doing her best to process everything that's been happening. "Look, I know it's not going to be the same, and things are going to be very different. But I will do my best to look after you and help you from here on out, okay? Your Auntie Lisa isn't going to let you go."

"Please don't leave me alone, Auntie Lisa. I can't be alone."

"I won't do that, baby. I won't. I'm going to be here for you for as long as I can be here. I promise  you that. We're going to get through this together."


"& Here, we will put to rest Lisa Lopez." Was the only thing Heart was able to make out from the Priest's speech. She continued to stare at her casket being lowered to the ground, numb from the emotions that were running wild throughout her body. She held onto Logan, keeping him close to her as he continued to silently cry and toss roses down onto his mother's casket. 

"I just want to go home now." Logan quietly said as he stared as his mother's casket as it reached the pit of the Earth. 

"We'll go home soon, alright." Heart responded as she stepped aside to have a little bit more time with her Aunt before she had to completely put her to rest. Stephen silently observed the two, his hands still in his pockets as he approached them. Seeing that Heart was still trying to have a bit of a moment, Steph playfully ran his hands through Logan's hair, making him crack a tiny smile.

"Hey buddy, why don't you come with me for a bit?" Logan nodded, but he quickly turned towards the ground once more.

"Bye mommy. I love you." He said, making Heart's tears escape her eyes once more. She quickly wiped her tears away as she sighed and gathered her composure. 

She was so tired of crying.

She was so tired of losing everybody she loved dearly.

"Auntie Lisa, I know you'll be up there watching over me and Logan. Say hi to Jomari and my parents for me." She chuckled a bit. "Thank you for everything. Thank you for being my saving grace when things were going downhill for me. When I really felt like I had nothing left. Without you, I wouldn't have been able to pick myself up to keep going. You taught me a lot of things. You taught me a lot about myself. There's nothing better than that." She sniffed as she threw the last rose down onto the casket. "It hurts to lose you too. I wasn't ready to. Logan and I both weren't. But you're in a better place and you can rest peacefully now. I love you." Heart looked up, seeing Stephen keeping Logan occupied by Christen and Dom's car, trying his hardest to put a smile on the boy's face even just for a bit. She was so grateful to have him by her side that the sight itself was enough for her to feel a little better.

"Hey." Klay said as he came next to her. Though Draymond and Klay didn't know much about Heart's past or her Aunt. Or how things came to be, they decided to come to share their support and sympathy knowing how much Heart meant to Stephen. 

"Hey." She slightly smiled as she kicked her feet at the grass. 

"You alright?"

"Yeah, I'll be okay."

"I'm sorry for your loss, Heart. I know it's tough, but things will get better." She shrugged. 

"I know. It just kind of sucks how I've gotten used to losing the people I love. Can't really even say the feeling gets worse over time. Just.. makes me numb to everything."

"I'm sorry." Klay repeated, unsure how he could comfort the girl when he had rarely experienced any loss in his life.

"Don't be." She slightly smiled before looking back down at her feet to kick at the dirt. "You know. She had her moments where she wasn't always the best, especially when the drugs took over her life again. But, she had a big heart. I knew she always loved me and Logan. She just didn't express it so well sometimes." Klay shrugged.

"I don't doubt that she loved you two with all her heart. Sometimes, things just happen that way you know? Can't change the way things end up for some people."

"Yeah." Heart sighed as she began to walk towards Logan and Steph, with Klay following alongside of her. "Maybe I should've done better being there for her and helping her out instead of letting her drown herself in those drugs."

"Come on now, Heart. You shouldn't be blaming yourself for anything. Not for any of this. When it's time, it's time."

"Yeah." She simply said. "Thanks for coming out."

"No problem. We're always here for you." He smiled. He took a minute to look her in the eyes before observing her up and down, especially her hands. She scrunched her forehead as she looked down at her hands then back at him.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing." He chuckled as he realized there wasn't a ring on her finger yet. He hadn't spoken to Steph in awhile after he told him and Dray about his future plans with Heart because he's been helping her after Auntie Lisa passed. He wasn't sure if he missed out on a big moment and if Steph had failed to let him know about it.

He was hoping Steph would tell him. He'd like to be in the know about his bestfriend's life.

"I'm sure tells you this all the time, but." Klay added. "He really loves you, you know?" She smiled.

"Yes. I'm aware." He smiled.

"He's a lucky guy." Heart looked Klay in the eyes, unsure of how to take his compliment.

"Heart! Come on, Steph said he'd get us ice cream!" Logan yelled for her, breaking her trance.

"I gotta go. Ice cream's calling my name." She chuckled as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Thanks again, Klay."

"Yeah, of course." He said as he watched her walk towards the two.

"Yeah, of course." Draymond mocked him as he came to his side. "Pick up them goddamn googly eyes from the floor so we could get going."

"Googly eyes? Who has googly eyes?"

"Don't ask me no questions like that when we all know who the hell steps over boundaries here!" Dray looked at him up and down. "They about to get married and you still watching her sway her hips."

"I'm not even doing that."

"Yeah, whatever. I'm telling." He laughed. "Just so I could see Steph whoop your ass again."

"Shut the hell up."

"Come on, or you walkin' home." Draymond yelled as he got into the driver's seat of his car. 


(For You I Will - Monica)

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