twenty one | meet & greets

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Heart closed her eyes and let out a deep breath as she walked through the metal detectors of the prison. She was soon escorted through the facility to the infirmary, where her aunt was being kept until she showed signs of improvement.

They didn't give her much details, but they believed her illness to be pneumonia. A really, really severe case of pneumonia, that could soon cause respiratory failure.

It could either go up, or down. But Heart knows being in prison meant that her aunt wouldn't get the best treatment right away. & To make matters worse, they probably didn't catch this right away, letting it worsen over time.

"She's right in here, are you ready to see her?" Heart simply nodded quietly as she followed the guard into the room. Her heart dropped, seeing her aunt lying in the bed, weak and frail. The tears welled up in her eyes. Although she didn't have the greatest relationship with her, she was still her mother figure and took her in after her parents died.

"Hey Aunt Lisa." She said softly as she sat in the chair in front of her and held her hand. Aunt Lisa slightly smiled as she kept her eyes closed.

"Hey Heart. How has everything been?"

"Good. I've just been working at Allure Magazine and going to school. I took some time off today to come visit you."

"Thank you, I appreciate that. I'm glad you're getting on your feet and doing what you want to do. How's my baby boy doing?"

"He's good."

"Where is he at now?"

"We both live with my boss and her husband. They took him in. I live in their guest home in the backyard." She quietly nodded.

"I hate to hear that, but I'm glad he's better off and with people who could really take care of him and focus on him."

"He does miss you, though."

"Oh no he don't." She chuckled, slightly waving her free hand in the air.

"No, he really does. Uhm, he'll ask for you here and there. I was actually planning on having Christen or Dom bring him by.."

"Oh sheesh, I don't want him to see me like this."

"But it's better for him to see you than not at all, Aunt Lisa. You wanna be remembered by your own son, you have to let him see you." Lisa sighed as she let the tears fall from her face.

"Heart, let me tell you. I think about both of you every day. & I know I haven't been the best whatsoever, but I love you both dearly. And I thank you for being so independent and for taking good care of Logan when I couldn't do it."

"It's okay. Don't worry about it."

"You both deserved much better than what I could offer at the time. I'm happy thats where it's at now." She sighed as she closed her eyes. "I don't have a good feeling about this. My illness and everything.. it's taken over my body completely."

"Don't say that."

"I'm just being honest."

"They will take care of you, okay?"

"Can't count on it, sweetheart. But just know that I love you both & that I will always be praying for you two."

"Just stop talking like that, please Auntie Lisa."

"Alright, alright. But please. I just want to ask you for one favor."


"Please take care of Logan. I know you will, but please. Please be there for him and give him the unconditional love and support."

"Of course I will."

"He can come visit by next time, but it shouldn't be a long one. I don't want him to be afraid and take in too much of the negativity around here." She sighed, almost out of breath. "Let him know I love him though. More than anything. And that mommy is always thinking of him, no matter what happens. Alright?"

"I will."

"Well the guard is peeking through the door, I guess time is about to be up." Lisa laughed, leading to uncontrollable and painful coughs. Heart stood up to fix her clothes and wipe her tears, unsure of how she could just leave her aunt behind in this position.

"I guess so."

"Thank you for visiting me, Heart. I love you, okay? I love you both."

"I love you too, Auntie Lisa. Just hang in there alright? We'll get you better." She nodded and slightly smiled. The visit was kept short, due to her state and the medical staff doing their best to make ends meet.

She hated seeing her like that, and she hated having to leave her behind. She didn't feel confortable leaving her behind in a cold, lifeless, small room. With an uncomfortable bed.

It was pure melancholy. Gloomy. All of the above.

But it is, what it is. & There was nothing Heart could do to change the circumstances.

The drive back home was depressing. Heart cried, and cried. She wasn't even sure how she drove properly. But, getting to the grocery store, she pulled herself together, remembering she had an empty fridge and a stomach to feed.

There was no way she could put off these errands.

"Ugh." She said, as she stopped the car and pulled out her makeup bag. She reapplied her lipstick and her mascara, making her feel somewhat better. "Hello?" Heart quickly picked up the phone, seeing Steph's name pop up on her phone.

"Hey sweetheart, how was the visit?"

"Rough, I tell you." She said, as she slung her bag onto her shoulder and walked towards Safeway.

"I'm sorry, babygirl. I know it isn't easy. I'm sorry I couldn't be there. But, I'll be over after this event, alright?" He yelled over the phone, as Heart heard the children at the Eat Right camp yelling in the background.


"Just wanted to check up on you."

"I know. Thank you, love. I'll tell you all about it later."


"Tell everyone I said hi, and have fun, alright?"

"Yup. Will do, m'lady. I love you."

"I love you too." Heart slightly smiled to herself as she ended the call and looked down at her phone. She couldn't wait to be in his arms after today.

"Uhm, excuse me?" Heart was pulled out of her thoughts as she made eye contact with the lady in front of her.

"Hi, sorry. Am I blocking your way?"

"No, you're okay." She chuckled. "Are you Heart, by any chance?"

"Yeah, I am." Heart scrunched her forehead but kept her smile. She was confused as to how this female knew her. She didn't look familiar. But, she was going to find who she was, out sooner or later. "I'm sorry, have we met before?"

"No, we haven't. You just looked familiar." She smirked. "I'm Amethyst."

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