twenty six | good love

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During class, Heart couldn't seem to get her mind off of Steph. It's been a couple of days since their fight over Amethyst and now, he was hurt. She felt terrible, but she was also afraid of getting hurt by him. Though, she have cut him a little slack and let him explain himself a little bit more. He was trying, and he continued to even though she gave him attitude.

She tapped her pen anxiously on her desk, waiting for the last couple of minutes to be over. Knowing him, he'd still head to practice even though his ankle wasn't doing him any good.

The cure? Heart knew just the thing.

"Hey Dray, is Steph with you?"

"Waddup Heart. No, not anymore. I just left his house a couple of minutes ago. Did you need something?"

"No, I just needed to know where he was at." She chuckled as she struggled to multitask at the cashier.

"You alright?" He laughed as he heard the ruffling in the background.

"Oh yeah, sorry. I'm grabbing a few things to surprise him with. You know, his favorite foods." 

"That's sweet of you. You got another one of you? I could use some catering to right now."

"No, sorry Dray. But if I find one, I'll let you know."

"Yeah that's coo. Send her my way. Not Klay. He ain't shit." She laughed. She hadn't spoken to Klay much since everything had happened, but there wasn't any bad blood. It was just awkward and she knew Steph wasn't in favor of him getting to close to her. 

"Noted. Thanks though."

"No problemo, mamacita." Hanging up the phone, she loaded up the car and headed straight to Steph's house. She had quite a bit of homework to catch up on, but she was way too excited to see Stephen and be with him.

She was tired of being mad. She just needed her man and some good lovin', then all would be well.

Knocking on the door, Heart adjusted the items in her arms and waited patiently at the door. Although, she wasn't sure how he was going to ever get to the door. She continued to knock, getting a bit impatient, hearing Steph yell on the other side of the door.

"YO I SAID I'LL BE THERE, GIVE ME A SECOND!" She pulled her hand away from the door hearing the feistiness in his tone. "Lord." He said as he opened the door, his eyes widening at the sight of Heart. "Oh hey sweetheart, I wasn't expecting you." He chuckled nervously as he leaned against the door frame to help hold his weight.

"Should I not be here?" She smirked as she walked inside the house.

"No, I didn't say that. I'm beyond happy you're here." She looked down at his ankle as he stood on his crutches, watching her eye him up and down.

"Wardell." She arched her eyebrow.

"I know, I know. I was being dumb." 

"You don't need to be that hard on yourself."

"I know baby girl, but lesson learned." He smiled. "On the other hand, I see you brought some popcorn with you." 

"Well, let's get to the couch first and then we can talk about the popcorn." She walked beside him, making sure every step of the way wasn't too bad for him. Finally getting to the couch, she prepped his leg up onto the coffee table and slipped a pillow underneath to keep his leg elevated at a good level. "Let me get you some ice, alright?" He nodded as he watched her get a pack of ice and lay it over his ankle. 

"You don't have to cater to me, baby. I know you're tired from school and what not."'

"I don't have to but I want to. You're hurt."

"Yup, cold world isn't it?"

"Wardell, why did you have to do this to yourself?"

"You want the truth, Heart?"

"More than anything."

"First of all, I'm sorry. I had no intentions of hurting you and I know I did simply by thinking about coping that way. I knew I shouldn't have gone there after everything we've been through and I had to learn the hard way. I deserved every bit of your attitude these past days. I deserved that distance. I guess I was just mad at myself for not knowing better, you know?"

"To the point where you had to hurt yourself?" She frowned.

"I mean, what's done is done. I didn't plan for it to be that way but." He shrugged. "Stubborn, I know."

"Sometimes." She playfully ran her hand through his hair. "I'm sorry." She said lowly as she cupped his cheek.

"Don't be. Like I said, I deserved it. I promised you I would take care of you and I haven't been doing my best. It's quite frustrating."

"You're doing an amazing job, Wardell. Don't say that."

"Sometimes I wish I could just shield you from everything, you know? I hate seeing you hurt. I hate thinking about things hurting you." He sighed. "It's the worst feeling, really."

"I'm so grateful for you. Logan and I both are." She began to tear up, realizing how important Steph was to her. Without him, she wouldn't be where she was. In school. A good job. At a loving environment with Christen and Dom. 

Overcoming the whole Jordan incident. 

She wouldn't know how things would be if he wasn't there for her every step of the way.

But sometimes, when you're afraid to get hurt, you let your feelings get in the way. They take over. And they shield you from seeing the most important things. 

"Heart." He slightly chuckled as he planted a kiss on the top of her hand before linking his hand with hers. "I love you. So much. Words can't even explain. I'm always going to be here to protect you both, and take care of you both. You two are my priority." He chuckled. "My life, really. I'd anything for you two. Go to through hell and back." He planted a kiss on her forehead as he caressed her cheek. "I'm not going anywhere."

"I love you, Wardell. I really, really, appreciate you." 

"I got you baby girl." He chuckled. "Now, stop crying. Or I'm going to start crying."

"You won't." She laughed as she wiped away her tears.

"Don't test me, girl. I got feelings too." He laughed as he turned the TV on and snuggled close to his woman as she laid her head under the crook of his neck. He examined her as he rubbed her arm and placed another kiss on the top of her head. 

& That's when it came to him.

He loved Heart, and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. 


(Love Thang - Joyce Wrice)

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