fifteen | tangled

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Stephen woke up with sun beaming through the blinds and hitting his face. He squinted as he fixed his position and sat up from the rather uncomfortable couch he slept on in Heart's room. He immediately looked at Heart to see if she was awake, but she wasn't.

It didn't matter. He was going to stay here and be there when she wakes up. He wanted to be the first person she saw when she woke up. And he wanted to be the first person to fix things.

"Hello?" He picked up his vibrating phone.

"Yo, did you need anything from your room?" Draymond asked on the other line.

"Yeah. Could you bring me a fresh pair of clothes please? Don't go mixing and matching my stuff, Draymond. Please."

"Terrible. Now why would I do that?"

"I don't know, sometimes the things that go through your head..."

"Okay well that day isn't today. Anything else you need?"

"My toothbrush."

"Yeah, you damn right about that. Booty breath." Draymond laughed out loud, making Steph shake his head.

"Alright, just hit me up when you're here."

"Fasho. I'll probably grab us some breakfast beforehand."

"Cool, thanks."

"No problem."

"Booty breath?" Steph muttered to himself before he shook his head. He got up to stretch and open the blinds to give the room a little brightness. If Heart couldn't enjoy the a beautiful day, it didn't hurt to at least show her how beautiful it was through the window. He walked towards her bed and held her hand once more to feel her pulse.

Even though he heard it through the monitor, feeling it made her feel more alive & that's all he needed to get by.

"Goodmorning beautiful." He planted a kiss on the top of her head. Subconsciously, he waited for a response.

Any response. A flinch. Her smile whenever he called her beautiful. The way a rose color crept up on her cheeks when she blushed.

Just anything.

But he quickly frowned when she didn't do anything. He sighed as he ran his hands through his hair.

"Time, Wardell. Time." He looked at her once more, smiling a bit at how peaceful she looked. He was hoping his prayers worked so she wouldn't have to wake up in pain whatsoever. Turning on the TV, he flipped through the channels only to land on ABC Family (or Freeform, whatever it is now). Tangled was on, reminding him of how much Heart loved the movie.

So, he left it on. & Enjoyed it as he would if Heart were awake.

"What the hell are you watching?" Draymond asked as him and Dom walked into the room.

"Tangled. How do you not know about this movie?"

"Seriously Steph?"

"Heart loves this movie. Relax."

"That's okay. It would just be a little surprising if you knew all about it on your own." Dray shrugged as he stuck out his hand. "Here's your stuff, Booty Breath."

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Thanks." Steph took his clothes and toothbrush and used the restroom that was inside of the room. He washed up his face to feel a little bit more awake before slipping into fresher clothes to feel completely refreshed. He looked at his reflection in the mirror, noticing how tired he's been.

Well, stressed. More than anything. Although he's been really good at hiding his feelings, he's been stressing over Heart. And their relationship. Even though it seemed pretty broken for awhile, all he wanted to do was figure out how to fix things - no matter how long it took.

"Any new signs?" Dom asked as he ate his breakfast on a chair near Heart. Dom was constantly in touch with LAPD trying to figure out how they could dive more into this case. Heart was almost like a daughter to him, especially since she meant so much to Logan and vice versa.

"Nope. Unfortunately not." Steph kept his eyes locked on the ground as he walked towards his breakfast. "Dray, you do know I'm not expecting you stay if you don't want to." Dray scrunched his forehead in confusion.

"What? I want to be here. I know this is hard for you and I know Klay ain't exactly the person you want around after everything. I'mma be here to support ya'll and make sure you two are ok. Well." He shrugged. "Especially Heart. Cause you grown as hell. You don't need me to look after you." Steph chuckled.

"Alright, man. You said it."

"Yeah I did." Draymond laughed. "I need to make a couple of visits around the city today though while I'm out here, but I'll be back later on in the day."

"Cool, for what?"

"Brand meetings." Steph shrugged. Everyday life.

"You gonna be okay?" He asked as he stood up and fixed his clothes.


"Alright just hit me up. I need to head out. The Uber been outside." He laughed as he walked out of the room.

"I'm sorry Steph, let me know when the Doc comes in. I need to take this conference call." Dom excused himself shortly after Draymond, leaving Steph alone with Heart once again. He silently ate his breakfast while watching the rest of Tangled. During the funny moments, he turned towards Heart to see if she would respond, but she didn't.

He sighed. He was hoping she'd wake up sooner or later. That way, he didn't have to panic so much.

"Welp, Tangled's off now babygirl. You missed it. It's one of your favorite movies. I have to say, it's a pretty cute movie. I see why you enjoy it so much." He chuckled as he caressed her hand. "It's Harry Potter now. One of my favorites." He smiled. "I'm pretty excited, if you may ask." He mocked their accents as he laughed at himself and softly smiled at her. He leaned in to give her near her lips.

How he wanted to kiss them so bad.

"I love you, Heart. I never want you to forget that. I'll tell you every day if I have to." He said, before placing another kiss on her cheek. As he sat back down, he felt a little jolt in her fingers, which surprised him. He scrunched his forehead in confusion, as he looked down at her hands then back at her.

"Baby, can you hear me?" Her fingers began to move a bit, making him smile from ear to ear. "Yes, that's it! Baby, it's me. It's Wardell." He gripped onto her hand, but she removed her hand from his as her eyes shot open. "Heart?"

Her eyes widened in fear.

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