thirty three | my lucky run

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Heart deeply inhaled, smiling as she took in the fresh, British Columbia air. "I'm so excited, Wardell!" She grabbed onto his arm as they followed the family over to the lifts.

"Yeah, I am too." He chuckled nervously as he scratched his head and looked at the mountain ahead of him. "Sheesh. Have you ever seen anything so goddamn high?"

"Oh come on, baby. I'll be right by your side! Just don't look down." Heart giggled as she dragged him closer to the lifts. Sooner or later, he would be suspended who knows how high. He was feelin' a bit uneasy, but having his fiance by his side made things better.

"Or you can stay down here and just wait for us at a store." Seth said as he busted out in laughter.

"No, that's not funny. I'm clearly coming." Steph sat next to Heart on the lift, making sure the bar that was pulled down was secure and locked. He kept his back close to the seat, just so he wouldn't have to expose himself to the height and open space around him. Heart, on the other hand, stuck her head out as far as she could to breathe in more of the fresh air and take in the entirely green surrounding.

Such as, mountains covered in fresh, bright green grass.

"Woah baby, can you not stick out your head that much? Sheesh, you're making me nervous. Making my palms all sweaty and stuff." He gently grabbed her arm and slightly tugged on it.

"I'll be fine, that's what the bar is for!" She rose her arms and squealed in joy, making him giggle.

"Alright but if that bar don't hold you back, you're gonna have to wait until I set my foot down on the ground before I come get you."

"Are you sure about that? You wouldn't get over your fear of heights for me?" She pouted.

"Well, I guess I have to actually. Don't wanna see that frown, now do I?" He winked as he placed a kiss on her temple. He swung his arm around her as they quietly enjoyed the rest of the ride up to the mountain.

Feeling relieved as he finally step foot on ground, Steph stretched and inhaled deeply before following his lady and his family up the road to the zipline.

"You okay, son?" Dell said as he placed a hand on Stephen's shoulder and chuckled.

"Yeah, why dad? Do I not look okay?"

"Well I mean, your paced slowed down a bit. I figured I might as well get to you before you faint and hit the ground." He laughed as Steph shook his head. "Heart's already up there with your mom."

"Yeah I know, she's been pretty excited since last night. She couldn't stop talking about it. I'm not even sure she got a good sleep in from the excitement."

"She's very cute, Steph."

"I am very aware."

"You guys start planning the wedding already?"

"Yep. She wants a small wedding. Nothing too big and all." Dell shrugged.

"That's nice. I'm sure your mom will love that. Simply because she can take more control over a smaller wedding than a bigger one." He laughed. "Whatever you do, listen to your mom's input alright?"

"Yeah I gotta make sure of that. I don't wanna be put on time out before my wedding."

"Why are you two walking so slow?" Sonya yelled from the ziplining area and waved them over. "Come on, me and Heart are waiting for our men! Ya'll taking so long, taking your sweet damn time--" She continued to go on as Heart laughed in the background. Both Steph and his father picked up their pace to meet up with their women and get their gear on. Heart watched (with heart eyes, of course) as Steph put on his helmet and made sure his gear was on perfectly and tight enough.

"I'm not trying to die today, God. No sir, not me." He said as he tugged on his belt, making Heart chuckle even more.

"You'll be fine, love. I'll be right next to you, alright?" He looked into her eyes as he disregarded his brother and his girlfriend getting ready to go ziplining ahead of them. He smiled simply because looking at her made everything better for him.

That was all he needed. And that was all he was going to need for the rest of his life.

"And that's all I need." He kissed her forehead. Sooner or later, it was time for the two to prepare for their turn. Steph exhaled as he watched his feet take the two steps before he'd have to be in the air. He felt his hands get sweaty all over again as he looked at how far up he was from the ground.

"Don't look down, buddy. That's the hardest part." The staff member said. "Hands up on the bar in front of you, please."

"Uh, alright." He said as both him and Heart placed their hands firmly on the bar in front of them.

"I'm right here." She mouthed out to him as she smiled, making him return the smile.

"Ready?" The two nodded as they gripped tighter onto the bar while the staff members were counting down.

Sooner or later, they both felt nothing but the air hitting them in the face and their bodies moving swiftly down the line.

"Lord please, I just want to get to the ground!" Steph yelled as Heart laughed out loud. She screamed in excitement as she continued to laugh and spread her arms out. Steph quickly glimpsed at her having the most fun he's ever seen her have, making him smile.

If his lady was enjoying it, why shouldn't he? He was already in the air, there was no going back now.

He screamed in joy as he too, spread out his arms and let the wind him him. He's never felt so free in his life.

No worries about games. Deadlines. Meetings. Shoots. Having to meet high expectations.


Nothing but him, the world, his family and Heart.

And it felt amazing.

"I told you it'd be fun! Wasn't it great, Wardell?!" She screamed as they were coming to a halt on their little zipling adventure.

"Can't disagree there, babygirl. You must've made that my lucky run." She smiled as she pressed her feet against the steps and allowed the staff member to remove the gear off of her body. As soon as they were both freed, Heart threw her arms around Steph and planted a kiss on his lips.

"Glad you enjoyed that run, though."

"No, thank you, sweetheart. Wouldn't have done it without you, honestly."

"I will always be by your side, my love. Always." She smiled. "Come on, I see your mom and dad!" She said as she ran towards his parents.

"She's real, Teppy. You got yourself a real one." Sydel said, walking next to her brother.

"Just my luck, huh?"

"Mhm, and you better hold onto it." She gave him a look.

"Don't worry about that. We're not going anywhere."


only a few more chapters left! stay tuned.

(lucky run - tone stith)

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