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Leonard's P.O.V.

I just got home after making Emille her own island, why did I do that so quickly anyway?

"Finally! Some rest."

Then... out of no where.

Mackenzie came, with Louise, Juliana and Charlise.

"Whoah! What the?!" I yelled.

"Uh... the door is there for a reason... DON'T GO THROUGH MY WINDOWS AGAIN!" I added.

But they stood there, not saying a thing. Mackenzie even looked furious.

"What did I do now?" I asked Mackenzie while grabbing a glass of red wine.

"Tell us about Lyona." She said firmly.

I dropped the wine bottle shattering it on the floor.

"Lyona... was my love. She was my everything, Lyona was me." I said.

"Lyona was you?" Asked Louise.

"She knew me like shw knows her self, and the same goes for me to her." I explained.

"So... what happened." Charlise and Juliana asked.

I invited them to sit down.

"She was my one and only... I met her when I was in 1st yeat college." I said.

Then I paused, some tears fell...

"She knew about my powers, I guess. Because I can remember flying her to Paris." I explained.

"We were attacked..." I added.

"By whom?" Mackenzie, Louise, Charlise and Juliana asked.

"By my twin brother... the dark soul." I said.

"What?!" Juliana and Charlise yelled in shocked.

"You know the dark soul?!" Mackenzie and Louise added.

"Sorry I haven't told you... his real name is also Leonard, but we called him L when we were... still together as a family." I said.

"Why did'nt you tell us before?" Mackenzie asked.

"Because..." I stopped.

Mackenzie gave me this long stare...

"Because you were afraid that we would... execute you." Mackenzie said.

"I'm not perfect... I have the perfect abilities... but I myself is not perfect." I explained.

Then someone came in... suddenly sitting at the other edge of the table.

"Don't kill him... even though you will kill me if you do." Said L revealing himself for the first time.

"You really do look like him..." everybody said except for me and L.

"And... I have some friends who want to tell you something Louise. Don't be mad because we are going to tell eveyone something afterwards." L said looking at Louise.

Then Taehyung appeared from the lights, jungkook suddenly appeared from a small size and Yoongi appeared from the shadows.

"Taehyung? You have supersenses?" Louise asked.

"They worked for me until they met you, they wanted to quit, but I had a better idea." L stated.

"What's your better idea?" I asked.

"Since, I really got bored of giving you clues and pretending to be the bad guy... I've decided to help you." L explained.

"Help me with what?" I asked.

"Remember Leonard, I'm gonna help you remember." L said.

"As well as all of you, I'm gonna help you use your powers, learn all your secrets. I know, I made them." L said with a smirk.

"You made our powers?" All asked except me.

"Let me show you, but first.. Emille, stop hiding. I know your here." I said.

"Okay hehehe hello guys." Emille said.

"Let's go to the top floor." I invited them.

L smirked and went with us.


Hey guys! Sorry for the late update! Pentatonix will be in the next update!

Love you guys! Keep reading! ❤❤❤

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