A normal day

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Leonard's P.O.V.

*wakes up*

Well, time for school... again. UGH!

I actually don't want to go to school today... weird. I usually get excited because I get to see Maxine and Jade, me best buddies. But now, I don't feel like seeing them.

*at school*

There they are... Maxine and Jade.

"Hey guys!"

"Hey Leonard" they replied.

"Hm... weird? Their greeting is a little bit... awkward"

"Guys? What were you talking about?"

"Oh! N-nothing Leonard" Jade said.

"Okay! Something is definitely happening here."

"Maxine? Tell me... please" I asked as politely as I could, it even sounded childish.

She just gave me a piece of paper and left with jade. The last thing they did was stare at me like they saw a ghost.

I read the note, it said "meet us at the field after school"

So, finally something that I can't be lazy for... what were they talking about? Did I do something?

*later that day*

Maxine and Jade are sitting at the bench, looking at me like a stranger. Then calls me to come faster.

Jade's P.O.V.

Oh my, here he comes! How can we say this? I don't know what to do!

Maxine's P.O.V.

Honestly, I don't know how this is gonna end... I dont even know How to tell Leonard.

Leonard's P.O.V.

*sighs heavily*

"Okay guys, what is this all about?"

"We saw you last night..." Jade answered.

"But we know that you have no idea about what happened to you." Said Maxine.

"What in the world are they talking about?"

"Uhm, what are you talking about? I did'nt do anything last night. I never left my house."

Jade's P.O.V.

"My goodness! Okay here it goes."

"Leonard, we saw you last night, at our meeting place. We saw you, do the unthinkable."

This is harder that I thought!

"What?" Leonad asked with a bit of rage.

"We saw you, burn a book... with fire, you made out of nowhere."

Leonard's P.O.V.

what is Jade talking about? Why is Maxine agreeing to everything she says? Actually, I can't remember what happened last night... let me think?

*head suddenly aches*


"You must burn this book! It contains all of your secrets! People are looking for it!" Said a huge man with a black coat.

I was looking at the book, the cover was "my secret... abilities?" Goodness its so blurry!

"Leonard what are you doing?!"

What was that?

It was Maxine and Jade!

*end of flashback*

"I remember now... I-I have..."

"More than five senses Leonard" Jade interrupted me.

"And we do too." Said Maxine.

"Mine is high speed" Jade said.

"Huh?" I asked...

"I could run faster than my usual speed, and not in a normal way... I can outrun cars and trains." Jade explained.

"And mine is teleportation." Maxine added.

"Oh... but, I can't remember whats mine?" I am completely blanked.

"You can have more than six senses Leonard, becuase you have the power to abosrb, imitate, and imagine the power you desire." Maxine said.

"I CAN DO THAT?!" I yelled.

Okay okay, lemme think of a power... how about freeze breath

*breathes heavily*

*froze the floor*


"We have a lot more to do." Jade said.

"Let's introduce him to others like us" Maxine replied.

*Maxine opens a portal*

Lets gooo!!!


Hey guys! Thank you for reading! Love you so much! More to come. ❤

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