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Leonard's P.O.V.

After what happened, I decided to take a walk... anywhere... for a long time.

I only brought something to write on, I can't even remember why.

But I keep on writing some words on each sticky notes and place them on the ground.

Specific words like...





I think I've gone crazy. So I decided to sit down.

"Well, I'm just gonna start looking at people's histories." I said as I started scanning some people.

"Might also do some future prediciting." I added.

First... I scanned a girl who was playing badminton.

"Hmmm... so her past sport was swimming... but she got tired of the pool and used her upper body strength for another sport... and, her future tells me that she will have three kids and a small house." I said in my mind.

After scanning more other people... I scanned someone interesting.

"Hmmm, a twelve year old... she has powers! Those avatar or that type of powers that you have to meditate to gather esense or something... but she just plays with it. Let's see into the future..."

I was shocked...

"I'm in her future?!"

I stood up and ran closer to her. I didn't show myself yet, she was sitting alone. She checked if someone was looking.

"What are about to do you lady..." I thought to myself.

Then she made a ball of esense, making it float in mid-air.

I showed myself, she stopped, shocked.

She tried to run away... but I teleported infront of her.

"Don't worry... I know your secret... I'm gonna show you mine." I said.

She just fixed her books inside hef backpack.

"What else are you gonna show me?" She asked.

I held her hand, told her to hold tight,then I ran across the ocean, went to France and stopped at the top of the eiffel tower.

"OMG!" She yelled.

"Well, I think you really like this place, because I saw the covers oc your notebook have the picture of this tower.

As she start to take pictures... we went on a little tour, besides... none of my friends will ever know I'm in paris. Then I took her for lunch.

After we ordered, I started asking her questions.

"Where do you live?" I asked.

"Anywhere actually..." she replied.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"12" she replied.

"Wha is your name?" I asked.

"Oh... I have none..." She replied.

I didn't even asked why because she looked so sad all of a sudden.

"I never knew my parents... I grew up in the streets, stole some clothes and ask for books so that I can still study." She added.

"Oh..." I said.

"Are you willing to train more for your powers?" I asked.

"Yes please." She said.

"May I stay with you?" She asked.

"Better, I'm gonna adopt you... I don't believe in marriage, I tried courting once, but she didn't even answer me. Still, I wanna experience having kids, so I'm just gonna adopt you." I explained.

"Wow... how come you don't believe in marriage?" She asked.

"Well, I might change my mind... but divorce has been invented so... yeah." I said.

"So you're really gonna adopt me?" She asked with excitement in her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm 27 years old already, I think I can handle taking care of a child... that is, if it's okay with you." I said.

She just nodded yes.

So we went back home, and did the things I needed to do to get her named and adopted.

"From now on, your name is Leah Lindsey, my daughter." I said.


Hey guys! School is great! But the assignments kills time, a lot of time.

Sorry for this late amd short update. School UGH!

Anyways guyz! Keep reading! Love you!

(Recommend me a book! I wanna read your stories!)

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