RToM #15 An Open Letter to Filipino People

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To all Filipino people,

Change is coming.

We expect that change is really coming because of Presumptive President Rodrigo Duterte. Let us think again. A leader with rule-breaker constituents can never build a great nation. A country that have nothing but a media-dependent, mediocrity-achiever, gossiper, law-breaker and low thinker populace, will never be a great nation.

Let us not depend to our leader the dream that we have for this nation. If we want change, then we should start changing ourselves too. Change for the better. Change for this country that you love. Change yourself for the change that you want this country to have. The change that can give us the success that we have been dreaming since day one.

You can start the change in your own little ways. According to Alexander Lacson there are 12 Ways to be a good Filipino. First, follow traffic rules. Follow the law. Second, always ask for an official receipt. Third, dont buy smuggled goods. Buy local. Buy Filipino. Fourth, speak positively about us and our country. Fifth, respect your traffic officer, policeman and other public servants. Sixth, throw your garbage properly. Segregate. Recycle. Conserve. Seventh, support your church. Eighth, during election, do your solemn duty. Ninth, pay your employees well. Tenth, pay your taxes. Eleventh, adopt a scholar or a poor child. Twelfth, be a good parent. Teach your kids to love our country.

You want change?

Do not think so low of your fellow countrymen and do not jeopardize their success. That's the thing about Filipino people. Like 'if I will go down then you will go down too' kind of thing. A nation with that way of thinking can never fly high. Instead, let us lend our hands to those who need help. Let us give them the things that we can give in order for them to be successful too.

You want change?

Start justifying ones fault with facts and rational analysis, not with gossips and hearsays. Seek for the truth and do not dwell with gossips. A Filipino is more than a gossiper.

You want change?

Do not settle for mediocrity. Aim for greatness. Aim high and hit the mark.

You want change?

Do not eat the garbages and nonsense that the media is feeding us. Do not let them divert our attention against infamous people to hide the incompetence of the government.

You want change?

Let us make decisions independently. Do not let other people and media decide for us. We have our own mind. We have our own decisions. Just because the majority wants us to do this and that doesnt mean that we will do it. No. We will think our own decision because we can think. But please take note that we must be really careful at making decisions. We must not forget the intellect and love while making decisions.

You want change?

Stop believing all the fallacy and superstitious beliefs the society have taught us. Wake up, people! We can't get a good luck out of the peso coin inside our shoe. We need to work hard. To put all our best in everything we do. That coin inside our shoe can give us nothing but discomfort.

You want change?

Take all the chances and risks to prove that we can do the things they think we cant, that we can uplift ourselves. Grab all the oppurtunities and do your job properly and greatly to validate that we are respectable and better.

You want change?

Learn. Let us not stop learning even if we already have white crowns. Let us be the better and more intelligent version of Filipino people.

You want change?

Respect. If we want to be respected, we should respect others too. Respect begets respect. Respect their opinions, feelings and beliefs. Let us understand one another and accept our differences.

You want change?

Obey the law. No reason can justify our wrong deeds. Obey the law at all times.

You want change?

Plan and act on it. We keep hoping for a better future but none of us is putting an action to end this misery.

You want change?

Stop the hypocrisy. Stop the irrationality. Stop the bias judgment. Stop the bandwagon. Stop the stupidity. Stop the ignorance.

Finally, if you want change?

Change. The change that we are talking about is just within ourselves. Unleash it. Explore it. Use it for the greater heights, for the great perhaps of our beloved Philippines. As Penaflorida said, "You are the change that you dreamed as I am the change that I dreamed. Collectively, we are the change that this world needs to be."

Love. Philippines is just wounded, not dead. Let us cure our beloved homeland with all the love that we have. As what my Philippine History instructor, Ms. V.DC, stated, "This nation is still breathing, let us revive it with love." Now is the time to change. Now is the time for progress. Let us all unite. Let us all act. Let us surround this nation with love.

Written with love,

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