Chapter 1 : A walk in the park.

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Your POV

I sighed as I looked down on my sketch book, the marionette puppet I'm making is coming together. But I can't decided if the hair should be black or white, yes, I am making a human dool with monochrome clothes. But the hair though.

"Miss (Y/n) are you even listening?" The teacher, Miss Faulks asked.
"Yes, ma'am" I said as I looked up.
"Well then. Can you solve this equation?" She pointed at some random equation which I awnsered with ease.
"Very good. It would be nice to have people who seem not to pay attention but they- GET IT!" She yelled as she slams one of her hands on (E/n)'s table. S/he was playing on they're phone.
"My office, next period." Miss Faulks said as she turned around and continued to explain about stuff- bla bla all that.

School was over and now, I'm walking to my locker drop of some books and head home. That didn't happen! :D
Nope, (E/n) just had to push me. Frick you dude, frick you.

"Yo, retard!" S/he yelled.
"Yeah?" I casually awnsered.
"Just wanted to say, that you're ugly!" S/he yelled making His/her group laugh.
"Yeah? Well your like a porcelien doll" I said.
"Why, thank y-" I cut Him/Her off.
"All fake and no brain." Yes sir...

You just got dunked on!

Every student that heard laughed their asses off, yes. I have a pretty sharp tounge.

I simply smile and put my hands inside the pockets of my hoodie.
"Well, you wear that hoodie to school everyday!" S/he said again
"You wear that ugly face everyday, and I'm not complaining." There ya go, (E/n).
Another burst of laughter erupted.
Yep, no one can bring me down.
Before I could say anything S/he ran off. Beat it, no one likes ya anyway.


The walk home was quiet and calm, the way I like it. That is before some random stranger bumped into me, making me fall to the ground. I look up to see a boy maybe my age or a little older with a black hoodie and grey jeans, I couldn't see his face because it was covered with his black white stiped scarf and... white hair?

"Sorry, didn't see you." He said. His voice was absent of feelings. I got up quickly and dusted my self off, now if you stood up. He is taller than I am, maybe 2-3 inches taller.
"Its fine, just be careful when ya walk next time. 'Kay, bye." I walked away. That was strange, I've never seen him before and his clothes were a bit torn.

Who was he? And where did he come from? I don't think I've seen him before, weird. If he's my age then he'll probably go to school right? Then why is he walking to school when school's already over? Also. I got a glimpse of his left eye, it was black I think? Creepy. Very creepy.

I look back and the guy was looking at me, ooookay. I the looked forward again and finally I reached the lamp-post at Sixth Street, around the corner is where I live.
After a few more minutes I arrived home, and to my suprise no one is home. So I walked up the stairs, into my room and continued to sketch out the design. It was almost done so I just needed half an hour or so to finish it, the puppet is a chibi human. Black suit like outfit with matching pants, black shoes, and the guy from earlier kinda inspired me to make some sort of black and white scarf for it, with those fingerless gloves. The hair is white and the eyes are black ovals that had thin purple streaks that resemble tears.

I just need the suplies, which I'll just get at the local craft store. Good thing its Friday, I can get it tomorrow. I guess thats when I fell asleep...


I woke up in the morning due to the sound of my alarm, greeat. I got up at did my usual early morning rountine, then I proceeded to go downstairs for something to eat and maybe head out for some fresh air. Mom is in the kitchen cooking breakfast and Dad is probably still asleep, Mike is no where to be seen, Jeff is still asleep.

"Oh, hey honey. Good morning." Mom said as she looks at me while she cooks.
"Mornin', I'm going for a walk." I said as I went outside. Not forgetting my phone of course.

As I walked outside, the streets were empty, quiet, and calm like always. The park is next to the school which is about 3-4 blocks away, not that far.

The sun was still rising and I continued to walk towards the park, the street is kinda foggy. Meh, whatevz.

I put my hands inside the pockets of my (F/c) hoodie, I have a few pairs of this hoodie actually. The air was fresh and cold.

This is nice, I thought.


At the park, they weren't many people. A few joggers, one or two people with their dogs, and the guy from yesterday? What is he doing here?

There I saw the white haired boy sitting on one of the benches, his hands inside his black hoodie pockets. His black with white stripped scarf covered half his face, I can still see his eyes. They were closed as if he is asleep, I get this weird vibe from him.

I walked pass him and he seemed to flinch a little, maybe he remembered? I hope not.
I walked in my usual path and for sure after about 30-40 yards away, I looked back and he was looking at me... oookay that is mother frickin' creepy.

I quickend my pace untill I think I'm in a safe distance, I look back and he was out of sight. Oh thank good, I sat down on one of the closes bence which had today's newspaper. Heh, no wrong on readin' it right?
I picked it up and on the bottom of the front page there was this job offering.

Fazbears Pizzaria
Night Security from 12am to 6am.
Call = --------

I could help mom and dad out with this, okay then. I'll take the job, I ripped that part of the paper and put it in my pockets. The sun was up and without looking to my phone for the time, I knew it was 7am. Before I could even sit up-

"Your gonna work at Fazbear's?" An unfamiliar voice asks.

I quickly stood up only to face that mistery boy, up close. His eyes were dark brown almost black, his eyes almost seemed... dead.

"Who are you?"

Cut My Strings (Marionette X Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now