Chapter 6 : Families look after each other :'

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Okay! Just a quick shout out that I will be updating 1 or 2 chapters every Friday/Saturday!


Your POV

Isn't there anything fun to do here? I thought as I leaned on the school's gate.

I already signed up for the night guard job, so no worries. They said I had to be at the pizzaria at 11.40 for a little tour, but now I have to pick up my little bro'. :T
Mom and Dad said I had to pick Jeff up from school, they said they were busy with work. Jeff should be out anytime now, and just as I said that the front door bursted open with swarms of kids. '-' Why? God why?
I moved away from the crowd as my eyes scan for my little bro's brown hair and green eyes, he wore a blue stripped shirt and shorts when he went out so it should be easy to find him.

But after 10 minutes theres no sign of him, I was getting worried. I decided to ask a kid,
I approached a boy maybe the same age as Jeff with dirty red hair and dark red hoodie.

"Heya kid, do you know where Jeffrey is?" I asked and he snorted for a sec'. That can't be good.
"That guy? Heh, probably crying behind the school." He said in a mocking voice, I went silent at this. Crying? Jeff isn't being bullied is he? Just then, the kid asked.
"Who are you to ask anyway?"
"I'm no one, mind telling me what'ca meant about 'crying behind the school'?" I asked again. He seemed hesitant.
"He gets picked on all the time, besides I need that lucnh more than he did." He said.

What!? He stole my bro's lunch!? This kid is dead.
"Mind helping me find him?" I asked again.
"Pft, he's probably at that pond behind the school. That dumn*ss can't do anything right anyway." With that the kid left. Okay I hate him right now.

I turn to the school and thought for a second, Jeff is being bullied, family doesn't know, and now he's crying behindthe school. Classic. Jusy Classic.

I sighed and walked towards the side of the school and work my way behind it, the school isn't that big so I wont have to walk for so long. I finally arrived behind the school and met the woods, I know where the pond that kid told me. It use to be my lone place untill middle school so yeah :T

I walked down a hidden path near the edge of those woods and followed it, goddamnit Jeff. Why didn't you just told me or your family? Or punch the kids that bully you in the face? I mean. I would've done that if they steal my lunch, besides I could get hungry without it :/ So yeah don't steal my lunch bud'.

Not long, there was a clearing up ahead and I could see a figure standing near the pond, blue stripped shirt. That's Jeff.
I walk up to him and stood beside him, both of us looking down at the clear water. I then looked at him and saw he had some scratches on his hands and arm, his face also seemed bruised. If I find who ever did this they're more than dead.

"Heya," I started. He stayed quiet.
"You've been picked on, huh kiddo?" I asked again and he flinched at this.
"... yes" He said in a very faint wispher.
"Why didn't y-" before I could finish he cut me off.
"Didn't what? Tell mom and dad!? Tell you!? Tell that damn excuse of a brother!?!? No!! I can't let them hurt you guys!" Jeff started, yelling practically.
"I-... I can't- just... no." Tears were threatening to fall down his face. I know exactly how he feels right now.
"Who did it?" I asked. He turned to look at me in a suprised yet confused face.
"What?" He asked. I closed both my eyes at this.
"Who's bothering you?" I asked again.
"Just some kids," he said in a sad voice.
"You wanna talk about it?" I asked as I opened my left eye.
"... that'd be nice. Thanks Sis'," he cheered up a bit at this which made me smile.

If I so happen to crosspaths with the kids that's been bothering my bro', they'd be dead where they stand.


Anyways, me and Jeff decided to talk about it at home so we did. Now we're at the kitchen talking about the problem, he explained to me how it all started. Turns out that redhead kid was his friend who stabbed his back, Jeff said his name was Keith I think. (If that is your name you can change it ^^)

"So, that kid's been botherin' ya? Why?" I asked.
"I don't know, we were great friends but one day he dumped water all over me and left me be. I don't know what I even did wrong!" I could tell Jeff's angry.
"Well, have you tried talking to him?" I asked again, hoping to get as much information as possible.
"No, he never lets me talk up. So I stayed quiet." This is expected, that's what I did when people started bothering me. I ignored them.
"I don't want to go to school tomorrow Sis' I don't wanna meet those kids again." Jeff said as he lays his head on the table infront of him.
"... I have an idea" I said. This is gonna be fun. Jeff's head shot up and his eyes are just shining with excitment and curiosity.
"School ends at 12pm right?," he nodded.

"Alright, since I don't really want to stay at my school 'till 3pm. Once your outta class then lure those kids to that pond at 1pm, got it? Let them bother you or something just not that much. I'll bring my camera to record it and show it to the teachers and at the same time teach them a lesson. But, in return you can't tell mom and dad or even Mike about me ditching school, 'kay?" I said in a rather laid-back and cheerful voice. Jeff thought about it for a second, then he smiled brightly and nodded.

"What're you two up to?" Suddenly a very familliar voice asked. The damn devil, Mike.
I stood up from the chair I was sitting on and faced him with a glare, he returned it.
"Jeff, why don't you play outside for a while. Me and your older brother need to talk," I said. As I try to remain calm. Jeff then went outside to play, probably with Jack. The kid next door's.

"The hell man?" I asked my loving brother. Note tge sarcasm '-'
"What were you talking about with my little bro'?" Mike asked in a demanding voice.
"... some 'big brother' you are. You don't even care why ask? Ask Jeff yourself, I ain't telling ya anything." I said as I walked pass him but before I get far he pulled the colar of my hoodie and lifted me up in the air.
"Listen here you little bish, I have the right to know what's going on with Jeff as much as you do. So speak up or I could beat you up," he "threatened". I'm not even scared.
"You think I'm scared of that? You know what happens when people get on my bad side, they usually die." With that he growled and trew me to the ground, his hand balled into a fist as he twisted the collar of my hoodie. Then he lifted me up again, his other hand also balled to a fist ready to punch me.

Suddenly, the front door opened to reveal Dad has come home. He looked at where we were and Mike was still holding my colar, he looked furious as well.
"Mike! That is not a way to treat your sister! Let her go this instant!" Dad yelled and for sure Mike let go, with a faint growl. I just stood there in silence as Dad scolded Mike. To be honest, I don't care.

Thats when Dad said something rather striking,
"Family looks after each other!"

Geez, if I had the gut. I would tell him thats not true. Cuz', I've never felt that way.

Marionette's POV

This is a pain, I thought as I give presents to some kids. This mask might be smilling but I am NOT happy at all, well at least none of the gang bothered me today after this morning's talk. Which is good, that rarely happens.
After a few hous, the swarm of kids finally started to faded away, thank god.
Finally the last kid skipped away with the blue wrapped present I gave him, last kid. After this I could finally take a break, its not that I'm tired phisically. I'm tired mentally. Like the feeling that you get after a final exam or something like that.

I sat back inside my box as I sigh. Tonight. I'm waiting for tonight. (Y/n)'s gonna start working tonight, I just hope the others won't kill her. She is Mangle's old friend so she might survive, I think?

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