Chapter 11 : I.L.Y

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Marionette's POV

I waited for (Y/n), she took a while. I didn't have anything to do so I just looked around the entrance, escaping the pizzaria was easy enough. I had my monochrome scarf cocering half my face, of course I know (Y/n) has seen me without it, I just didn't want to attract any sort of danger. Knowing what I'm involved in...

Anyways, as I waited I saw a particullary familliar figure. Anger and fear replaced my boredom and I glared at the blonde, he smirked at this and kept walking off. That damn bear, I swear to the devils when I have the chance I'm going to rip his head off. Wait a minute, the direction he was going was (Y/n)'s house. Crap damnit, I decided to wait a little longer and if (Y/n) took longer than expected then I'm looking for her. I can't put her infront of death, I don't have anymore lifes left. Fortunately she came, a wave of relieve came.

"Heya," she greeted. I nodded to reply, not really wanting to talk after that little... encounter. At first, we only walked around the park not talking or anything. It was peaceful and nice, wish I could do this everyday. But summer is coming so that is not happening anytime soon, we came across a fountain and sat down. Again, neither of us talked. Being a silent type never felt more... uneasy.

"So... about Saturday." (Y/n) started.
"Hmm?" I hummed questionably.
"... your free the night before, right?" She asks. Actually yes, yes I am.
"Yes, why?" I asked.
"Is it okay if you come over?" Why?
"I... I was planning to run away from home at Saturday. The night before, that person that we bumped into a few days back challenged me to a fight. I won't back down and since we were going to search for that abandoned household or whatever, thought I could tag along." This shocked me. She was going to run away from her family? Well, foster family.
"Why would you run away?"

There was a moment of silence, if (Y/n) was hoing to run away and tag with the crew. Where will I go? I'm pretty sure the others won't want me around, and I want to stick with (Y/n).
"I'm done with this life, okay? I wanna find my real parents, who they are, why they abandoned me, and besides I don't feel at home with this 'family' I am with now." She explained. Those are some good reasons.
"Well, fine. But..." I paused. Should I tell her I want to come with her?
"I want to go with you (Y/n), but since you're going with the crew. Where will I go?" I asked.
She stared at me with those (e/c) eyes of hers, their deepand meaningful in my point of view, yet empty and void at the same time..

"What do you mean? The others are fine right? What do you mean by where you'll go? We can stay with the others, no worries. Right?" She asks. I sighed at this, I really have to tell her.
"Look, the toys and the older animatronics aren't fond of me. You heard Mangle, I'm a prick to them. I don't think its a good idea for me to stick with them, I don't want any conflict." I said. She seemed taken aback by this before replying.
"Your staying with me? Why?" She asked.

Fuck I'm screwed

I only stare at her, should I tell her? We only known eachother for a few days, a week maybe. But, I can't deny the fact that I...
"Marion?" She called yet I didn't give a respons. The fact that I... I...
"Marion, you alright? C'mon awnser me," I habe to tell her.
"... because I, I like... you. Alot." That heavy feeling in my chest faded away and replaced by fear. Fear of her reaction, what if she hates me now? Will this change anything? What if she denies my feelings? Or if I have any, left.
She stared at me with a slight hint of pink on her cheeks, is that what you call blushing?
"Y-you, like me?" She asked again. She rarely stutters..
"I just said so," with that she went silent.

I fucked up, huh?

It took a while before she responded with anything, at all. At first a mutter which I did not hear so I asked what?
"I... like you to, as a friend I mean."
I swear to God, if it were possible I think my heart skipped a beat. She... liked me back? Even if it was just as a friend, it has been a while since I had a friend.. Am I dreaming- wait no I tripped and fell from my box earlier and landed on my head, hurt like hell so I'm not dreaming..


"So... what now?" (Y/n) asked as she held the cup of (tea/coffe/milk/etc.) In her hand. We decided to walk around the park and she got tirsty so she buyed a drink.
"Its getting kinda late, and its a quarter pass four." I said refering to the fact she can go home without getting yelled at.
"Oh yeah, well okay then. I'll be go-"
"I'll come with incase anything happens," I interrupted. Really I just wanted to know wear Fredbear had gone to earlier.
"Alright, let's go then." With that, both of us started walking off towards her house.

Your POV

After Marion's... confession, I can't help but to feel like the world is a safer place.. I dunno why but I just do. As we walked by the lamp post on Sixth street, I remember the first time we... bumped into each other. Is it really possible for someone to like another in- what? A week or so? '--' whatevz.
Nearing my house I can see Mike heading out, so I slowed down my pace not wanting to bump into that bastard. I'm guessing Marion saw this as he turn to look at me, I pointed at Mike and he nodded. Good to know someone actually gets me. After Mike got out of sight, we proceeded to walk.
We arrived there shortly..

"Well, thanks for... tagging along. You wanna stay untill tonight?" I asked and he nodded.
We went inside and thank god mom and dad aren't home yet.

In my room we didn't do much except, well, music :l so yeah. We were listening to (f/s) by (f/b) man I love this song, Marion seems fine with it. We decided not to date yet untill I get the hell outta here, which I'm very happy with. Then I remembered something, the puppet that I had to make... FUCK I FORGOT!!! Good thing mom helped me out by buying the supplies, maybe I could work on it now? Meh, that doesn't seem like a bad idea. I got my sewing kit out and the fabric my mom bought, then the sketch of the puppet I was going to make.

"What are you doing?" Marion asked. I turn to see his head is just beside mine and yelped.
"Theres a school project, said I had to make any kind of toy or plushie. This is the design I was going to make," he examined the drawing for a while and tilted his head.
"That looks similliar to-"
"You? Well, the first time we bumped into each other I sorta took you as an inspiration." Silence took over when he grabbed the sewing kit.
"Let me help, I'm good at sewing."

This will go well . . .

Authors note :

Heya guys! I know this might be a short chap but I'm kinda busy around here..
Oh and by the way, we have reached 300+ views! How the hell did that happen!? 0_0
Thank you soo much for reading this crappy story and voting, also, thanks to BelieverReader21 for giving me an idea for future chaps. Great idea by the way! Let us see in lè future shall we? -v-
From this chapter forth I will ask 3 questions for each chapter just for fun xD

Lè questioon :
1. 3 Fav colours? (I know. I know its stapid but I gotta love blue, black, and grey)
3. You got any OCs? If ya do then you can comment it and I might use them for future chaps. (My Oc is called Streets cuz she's a con-artist...)

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