Chapter 7 : Goddamn Feelings.

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Your POV

This is boring, this is heck of alot boring.
I slouched on the coutch as Jeff played some video games, Mom was eating some lasagna, Dad is working on his laptop. Mike is at his friend's house. That's a relieve.

"(Y/n), you sure you want to work at the pizzaria? At night even." Mom said as she looked at me with worried eyes.
"Yes mom. Besides It's the least I could do to repay you guys from adopting me." I said and she smiled.
"Well, at the very least take a pocket knife to defend yourself. I don't want anything happening to you on the way there or on the way back, or when you are there." Dad said.
Okay that is kinda funny.

I looked at the clock and its 9pm. I might have to sleep now, I got a whole day ahead of me tomorrow. I stood up and walked upstairs to my room, I wasn't even sleepy but thats exactly why I have sleeping pills. Yes, I have sleeping pills. Just in case I can't sleep very well or something like that. To be honest, I rarely use them. Only when I really can't sleep. One time, there was this camping trip from elementary school. I had to sleep in a tent with a random kid, the kid was mute but I didn't mind. She was nice, untill that night I couldn't sleep when others are around me, I couldn't sleep if others are near me.

Weird, right?

Most kids would want to sleep with a friend if not a teddy bear or somethin', that's why they usually do 'sleep overs' whatever that is. Not me, I like sleeping alone. You might think I get lonely, but the loneliness is like my friend silence it self. Loneliness and silence, my two best friends. They're always there for me, so why would I need a friend when I have the best friends? Yeah, I sound insane. I know.

I sighed as I opened the door to my room, I walked inside and closed the door not forgetting to lock it. I sighed as I sat down on my bed, I don't want to go to sleep I just want to stay awake but... 6 hours of checking on animatronics + 6 hours of school. School is actually 8 hours but I'm ditching it at 1pm that makes it 6, after that I have to go to Jeff's school and then wait untill 3pm to go home. Uugh, well I guess I could sneak my way to that abandoned house in the woods. Sometimes I go there when I need to escape reality, for some peace. But, lately I found peace with someone. Marion. I don't know why but I just like having him around, even though we just met and all. But he seems nice and quiet, somewhat like me... and I know he had a past. A bad one. That makes me feel sorry for him... wait, do I... have a crush on him!? Well, I guess its fine right? Every teenage girl has a crush... I think?

I stood up and walked to the bathroom, I then reached opened the fauset and washed my face. For some reason I feel really drained but I'm not tired, I look at my reflection in the mirror. There I can see, well, my self. My (E/c) eyes look dull and lifeless, huh. Guess I'm dead inside, I look again and thats when I noticed a figure standing behind me dressed in all black. I turn around to face it but it was gone, ookay. This is not a movie people, this is a fanfic- this is real life.
(Sorry I had to xD)

I look back in the mirror and sighed, I reached to it and opened the tiny drawer I had on the sink. I grabbed a bottle of sleeping pills and popped 2 pilld out, then I just swallowed them without any water. I coughed up a little but it wasn't that bad. I put the bottle back and exited the bathroom entering my bedroom. Plopped down on my bed and began to close my eyes, but before I lise concious. Something black was standing beside my bed...

???'s POV

I wanted to see how she was doing, soo far. Her powers are still... activating. I just have to wait for Saturday.

I stood beside her bed, her eyes are closed and (H/c) hair covered half her face. She looks soo much like her mother, well, atleast my kid is still alive. I sighed, not in boredom, but rather in a releving sigh.
Thats when I noticed some shadows lurking behind me, I quickly turned around and grabbed the intruders neck. I growled looking at the one the only *sarcasm*, Fredbear that bloody bastard.

"Aww c'mon bro, your gonna kill m-!?" He exclaimed, a little bit too loud. I covered his mouth with my other hand and looked over to (Y/n). Still asleep, thank god.
"Be quiet!" I wisphered. He just nodded.
I slowly put him down and let him go, why is he even here?
"Why are you here? And do not call me your brothrer." I said. putting a bored face.
"Thought I'd look for ya, also, that's your kid right?" He asked pointing at (Y/n).
"Yes she is. Now pl-" As I was just about to ask him to leave, he cut me off.
"She's been hanging aroung that puppet lately, am I right?" He said in a rather calm voice. I sighed in annoyance.
"Yes, at the most very unfortunate. And please leave,"
"Alright, alright. But," he started. I replied with a simple hum.
"... never mind, its nothin'." With that he left in a puff of dust.

I sighed and crossed my arms, why must he always mess with things he shouldn't? Despite being similiar. We have the exact opposite persona, and... 'hobbies'.
Fredbear is more out-going for his age, he's smart and slick. But, he is also clumbsy and he doesn't take things seriously at times.
Me, on the other hand, I'm more quiet than he is, I'm more mature. That's for sure. I think about the problems first, but the 'slick' part I do not have. About the hobbies? He likes... to kill children, one of the reasons why I partly hate him. The only thing thats keeping me from tearing him limb-from-limb is the fact that if he dies... never mind that.
Right now, I have to look after (Y/n). She's always been troubled and yet she seems not to care at all, how do people do that?

(Can anyone guess who the mistery person is!?!?)

Marionette's POV

Thank god, I thought as I slouched down in my box. In human form this box doesn't seem so cramped up, in animatronic form? God hell no. I looked at the lid of the box and a thought suddenly popped up, who is (Y/n)? She can't just be some random kid from an orphanage, Mangle doesn't seem to know. Who is she really? Who are her parents? What happened to them? Does Night know about any of this?
Just as these thoughts circle my head, someone opened the lid of my box letting some light in. I looked up in annoyance and saw a BB looking down on me with a smile on his face, I just gave him a 'the hell do you want' look.

"Hey there puppet! The others are gonna play a game called Truth or Dare! You wann-" hell no.
"Come ooon!" He whined.
"Kid, I said no. Now get lost," I might have growled a bit on that last sentence which made him flinched and quickly closed the lid of my box, I sighed in annoyance. Why do I always shove people away? Because I hate being around others. It brings this weird vibe that I don't like, the vibe is something I am... not fond off. Experience. To make it short.

I sighed and sulked back. I really miss (Y/n) right now, she had this calming yet weird vibe. She's also nice and I gotta say, that retort she said a while back to that kid. Heck, its kinda funny. Almost made me laugh, wait. How long has it been since I actually laughed? I tried my best to dig deep in my memories but I can't remember, must be years. I wish, I wish she could make me laugh. Just once is enough, my oldest brother. I remember use to make me and my other brothers laugh our butts off, huh. I miss them, but for some reason I miss (Y/n) more. Why? What is that feeling when your around someone, you could just smile without a reason, you could have weird feelings in your stomach. What is that feeling? Maybe... maybe I could ask the others, well one of them. At the most very unfortunate, I don't think they'll help. Well, why would they?

(Sorry for the short chap! ^^)

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