Chapter 8 : First Night and Whaat?

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I apologize if any of the information is wrong xD I ain't playing the game (again) guys, so please bare with this shib.

Your POV

I woke up due to the sound of my alarm, I looked at my phone and its 11.20.

I quickly changed my clothes to some white T-shirt under a (S/f/c) zip-up hoodie. Black pants, followed by grey converse. I grabbed my phone and earphones. Just as I was about to go downstairs, I look back on my desk was a monochrome scarf I grabbed it put it in my satchel bag, then proceed to go downstairs, no one was up obviously so I opened the fridge to grab an apple and left a note on the fridge that says :

'Of to work -(Y/n)'

After all that I went outside, the stars were dancing tonight. By that, I mean hundreds of thousands of stars are decorating the night sky. A cresent moon can be seen and wow is this a view, I pulled the hood up to my hoodie and started walking to the pizzaria. Which is 5 motha flippin' blocks away, meh :T


I finally arrived at the pizzaria and someone was waiting for me, an employe e if I'm not mistaken by his uniform. He had dirty blond hair and green eyes, I approached him and he seemed to be occupied by his phone.
"Heya, are y-" before I could ask if he worked here, he yelped in suprise.
"AAAH- oh... ern, sorry 'bout that. M-my names Jeremy and I'm here to show y-you around." He said with a shy smile, he seems nice.
"Ooookay, names (Y/n)." I said and he nodded.
"Come on, l-let's get the tour going shall we!" He said. So he entered the building and I followed in suite, I wonder how's Mangle doing? Its been a really long time so I haven't gotten the chance to visit :p

Time skip bcz I don't wanna type all the shibby tour--

"Well, that's all! Oh yeah, b-be careful and g-good luck." With that he left me standing in the office with a similliar uniform to his only it is meant for a girl, good thing I wore my zip-up hoodie. I took it off and put on the uniform which is a blue short sleeve button up shirt with the pizzaria's logo on the left chest area, I then sat down on a chair and took the tablet. It was 11.57, 3 more minutes untill mayhem then '~'


12.20, and I'm still alive... well only 20 minutes have passed. I wonder where Marion is? Welp, the phone dude just finished the long speech and said I should wind up the music box so the puppet thing wouldn't come after me. Dude I don't care :T
I didn't wind the music box up so at the very least I could see Marion.
01.56, nothing has been happening at all! God this is boring T-T. Where's Marion anyway? Wait wait wait... am I hoping for him to come? Oh hell no ._. . . . '-' okay yeah I may be a little lonely without him... f###^@&(/

I checked trough the cameras and everybody seems to be in place, I look over to kid's cove and yaaaay Mangle's gone! I then looked at the hallway camera and there she is, just staring at me ._.
I then looked at the prize corner to see Marion and the lid of the box was off, the music also stopped. I looked up from the camera and I can see a silhouette in the hallway, of course I grabbed the flashlight and shunned the light at it.
"Oww, hey! Turn the light off it's me Marion!" I sighed in relief and turned the flashlight off.
"Heya," I greeted casually. He walked over to me and sat down on the table, the same blank expression written on his face.
Silence took over, it was yet again another calm moment. Why does it feel like this? What's making me feel soo calm? Meh whatevzsh.

I look up at Marion and that's when I realized about his scarf, I reached in my bag and pulled it out. He didn't seem to notice.
"Hey, Marion." I called and he turned to look at me with a questionable hum.
"You left your scarf at my place, here." I handed him the monochrome scarf.
"Oh, thanks." He gently grabbed it and wrapped it around his neck, covering half his face and lets his bangs cover some of his eyes. This made me raise a brow.
"If you don't mind me asking, why do you always hide your face?" I asked. He glanced at me for a second.
"I'm just used to it, I guess." Really? He's used to it? I didn't bother asking more, could make things unsettling so I stayed quiet. So did he. It lasted for a while untill he asked me outta the blue.
"You free on Saturday?" Considering the fight is Saturday night a.k.a after dusk at Friday. I guess I'm free at the time.
"Guess so, why?" Why'd he ask anyway?
"The others said there going to bail from this place, they said they heard that theres this abandoned mansion or house or something in the woods near by. D-" before he could finish a loud distorted static suddenly popped up. I can hear a faint growl from Marion.
"The hell do you want, Mangle?" He spat as he looked up to the ceiling. I followed his gaze and yep, a Mangled robotic fox is... hanging around.

Of course, being the quiet kid I am. I just looked up at the broken animatronic and waved, her one yellow eye seemed to widened a bit.
"Heya Mangle, been a while hasn't it?" I asked. Before I knew it a white and pink haired teen tackled me into a hug.
"(Y/n)! Oh my gosh your back!! And your the night guard!?" She squealed squishing me like a child squishing a pillow when having a nightmare.
"Need... air." I breathed out with the last oxygen in my lungs. She let me go and apologized.
"I can't wait untill the others meet you! We can play each night, like truth or dare! Or some bord games, hide-and-seak, and-" before she could finish Marion interrupted.
"Not tonight." Was all her said. I looked at him and his eyes show sadness, annoyance, and... is that, fear?
"You can't tell her what to do!" Mangle protested and since I don't want them to fight I decided to step in.
"It's alright, I'll meet the crew tomorrow." I said and her fox ears flatten.
"Aww, I really wanted for them to meet you! Well okay then. By the way why didn't you killed her puppet? You usually kill when your pissed or bored or anytime really." I stared at Marion in confusion. He seemed to falter for a moment.
"We meet up a couple days back, (Y/n) isn't that bad." He said looking away from us.
"Ooh, soo you like her!" Mangle chirped and I might've blushed a tad... it's just the temperature people.
"What? Wha- No! As a friend yes!" Marion quickly covered up. Does he really like me?

Marionette's POV

Goddamit. So that was the feeling I get when I'm near her? I like her? Well I do have to say her (E/c) eyes are quiet a view and her personality is just... funny and cold yet satcastic. If it wasn't for my scarf I'd be laughed at for days. Mangle and (Y/n) were having a conversation and for some goddamned reason I was beginning to feel green so I decided to step out of the way. But before I do I had to tell (Y/n) something first.

"I'm going to prize corner, oh and (Y/n) can we talk for a bit?" I said and she nodded. Following me to the hallway.
"What's up?" She asked.
"About earlier, do you know where the place might be?" I asked. She thought about it for a while.
"I might know a place or two, why? You wanna check it out?" She asked and of couse I said yes.
"Yes, Saturday morning at the park? We'll head out by there." I said, thank god she agreed. We said out goodbye's and parted ways.

. . . Did I just asked her out?

A/n : sorry! There will only be 1 chapter this week if your currently reading this at 07-16
Sorry if its short I had to write this at frickin midnight here at my place so yeah ^^'

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