Chapter 12 : The Beast Within.

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Your POV

This is qiute nice, I thought.

Me and Marion were still working on the doll puppet thing, I was sewing the scarf onto the clothed body and Marion was working on its head. Suprisingly enough, he was skillful at this.. huh '-'

I looked at the alarm clock on my nightstand, 6 pm. Mom and Dad are already home, I told them about Marion's presences so I don't get into trouble.. again.

"(Y/n)?" I heard him call.
"Yeah?" I turnes to face him.
"I've been calling you for 5 minutes, are you alright?" He asked. Well despite the fact that I was thinking for 5 minutes not acknowledging my own friend and that I felt guilty for it I'm just fine..
"(Y/n) you're doing it again," this time I payed attention.
"Yeah I'm fine, just thinking." I continued sewing the scarf. I felt his seemly dead eyes on me and it kinda made me feel uneasy.
"Stop staring..." I wisphered. I think he heard 'cause after that the feeling went away.
"If you don't want me here, then just say." He was about to stand up untill I was able to grab his sleeve. He looked back at me with a blank look, and sat back down.

The once known 'peaceful quiet' turned to 'akwardly quiet', greaaaaaaaat ya blew it me.


I woke up in a daze, I look around and felt something soft underneath my head. I look to see a sleeping Marionette, I noticed the purple streaks under his eyes resembling tears. I realized I was sleeping on him ;-; dafuq? I heard a grunt and looked up yet again to see Marion with frustrated look, still sleeping. Nightmare I presume..
"...go away." He wisphered just loud enough for me to hear. He shook his head and his arms hugging me to death, at first I thought I should let him be but then a sharp pain reached my arms.
"Oww!" I look to see his fingers were claws digging into my skin. At this point, I knew I had to wake him up.

"Marion wake the f*ck up! Theres a fire! Wake up!" I yelled. Good thing my parents weren't hone yet, and the wake up call didn't work. I look to his face again only to see a white mask and those purple streak tears, the eyes were black and had a huge smile or- grin on it. The hell is happening!?
"Mari god be damned Onette! Wake the f*cking hell up will ya!?" I finally screamed and white irises appear on the eyes. I look at them and he looked back at me.
Next thing I knew, he pushed me off of him and my *unfortunate* ass hit the ground.
"Fuuuuuck..." I cursed. I look up and saw Marion gripping a handful -scartch that- two handful of his silver hair, black tears streamed down the eye holes of the mask as he was on his knees.

He's crying. Must've been a really bad nightmare, I thought. Since I've never actually 'soothed' a person crying. I don't know what the hell I should do, well, f*ck you life, f*ck you. Marion started shaking and wisphering things, he lowered his head and shook even more. Okay then... I gotta help 'em.
"Marion? Marion, snap outta it!" I shouted and placed my hands on his shoulders.
"Get away from me!" He growled and slashed one of his clawed hands at me, I quickly dodge -thanks for me being fab- but unfortunately two of his claws scratched my cheek and I hissed in agony. Holding my injured precious right cheek, I stammered back.

After I got used to the pain, I look to see Marion scratching his neck viciously. The black tears seem to be like a mini waterfall..
I quickly placed my hands back on his shoulders and gave him a violent -not too violent- shook. Thank you lord- he looked up at me and his gaze softened.
"(Y/n)..." I could hear him wispher.
"It's okay, I'm here." I said with the best smile I could make. He hung his head and his breathing was shaky, his hands crossed and met mines. To be honest... I have no idea what the motherf*cking hell is going on.
"Please..." He wisphered.
"W-what?" I asked.
"Just..." He paused and went silent after so.
"Just-" he was about to finish untill I hear him growl and I backed away slightly.

He now had his clawed hands on the floor, he seemed.. in pain...
"Marion? Marion c'mon, you're freaking me out." I said. He looked up at me, his white irise met my (E/c) ones and we locked gazes. I had a serious -determined look on my face, even though I'm screaming inside.. and his face was filled with fear and confusion. What is going on with him!? I gulped and slowly held both his wrist, avoiding the claws.
"(Y/n)..." his mask remained as the tears stopped. Finally, I thought. I still held his shaking clawy hands as he held my shoulders with them, he hung his head.. for some reason this feels... sad?

"I'm sorry..." he said in defeat. '-' .-. ._. God f*cking hell I am sad.. whyy?
"It's okay..just, don't scare me like that again alright?" I said. His grip tightened a bit.
"Can't make that promise... but I promise I will never hurt you." I actually smiled at that.
I suddenly feel the urge to hug him... Whyy author? Why?

Echo/author : shuuush, let it be -v-

I then began to wrap my arms around his neck and gave a slight hug. He stiffened at this and I was starting to regret birth, untill he hugged me back.. I am being hugged by my friend, sorta, kinda.
"Thanks," I could hear him quitely mumbled. Then I nuzzled my face into his -very much soft- scarf. I looked at the clock behind him and it was f*cking 9 pm.

Marionette's POV

That was close, I thought as (Y/n) hugged me tight.

I need to learn how to contain my self better, I can't hurt her. That wrecked beast is causing me nightmares again, why can't it just leave me alone!?
But that dream- no that wasn't a dream, it was a flashback. A memory long forgotten.
I'm going to have to talk with the crew again, and soon...

All for (Y/n)'s sake and safety..

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