Chapter 3 : Keep It A Secret, 'Kay?

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Marionette's POV

     I woke up in my box in a head ache, goddamnit. I hate it when that happens, it hurts. Not mentally but physically, and I hate it. Its been going on for a couple of days now, even sleep is proving to be hard. I hate this, this 'head ache' is being caused by that sick bastard. I should've killed him when I had the chance, but the others wouldn't allow it. The 'gang' or so I call it which is the other animatronics. Gold, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, The toy's, BB, and Mangle.

      They're like a family in my prespective, they'd laugh, hang out, and play around at night since there's no night guard right now. Not yet at least. That girl, (Y/n). Is the new night guard, she seems interesting. When I met her the second time, at the park. I saw a glimpse of her soul, and its empty. Like there was something there either its love, trust, or something else had been taken away. Weird, I thought. But it didn't bothered me anyway, I'm just curious on what made her that way. I'll have to wait for Monday then.

Yes. I can see souls. Why'd you think my eye is black with white pupils? I can because (????) Said it was a gift from dying. THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN!?!?

    Now, its Sunday morning and the gang was out on their human forms. For short, we all have human forms. I'm guessing their playing games as I hear laughter coming from the show stage, and I hate it. That joy, its annoying and unuseful. Well, I could take another walk at the park. To clear my head.

     Just as I was about to get out of my box, the lid opened and soneone jumped inside. It was BB, I send a glare to him. In human form he's the size of an 8 year old but he's 12. He seemed to gulp and wisphered :
"We're playing tag, please don't t-" before he could finish his sentence I grabbed his collar and stood up taking the lid off of my box.
I dropped him out of my box and he landed on his back with a thump on the hard monochrome ground. I hate it when people barge in like that.

"Hey!" Suddenly TB appeared.
"What?" I replied coldly.
"You can't just drop some kid on the ground like that!" He said as he helps BB stand up.
"I just did," I said and with that I got out of my box.
"Tsk, didn't your mom teach you any manners?" Another voice said. I look the the left and Freddy was leaning on the entrace of prize corner.
"The hell are you doing here?" I asked.
"I was just walking by," he said in defense.
"You should keep walking then." I retorted and he growled.
"Well, at the very least you could say sorry to BB!" TB yelled. I looked down to BB, he had one eye closed and a tear was treatening to spill out.

   I stayed silent and walked towards the door Freddy was leaning on, as I pass him I said :
"At the very least you could say 'thank you'." With that I left the scene.

Your POV

    I was laying there on my bed, the voice in my head wisphered some... things. Bad things. It keeps telling me to kill and run away, well. I agree with the run away part but kill? No. Not in a thousand years.
Finally. After 2 bloody hours, it stopped. That deep demonic voice stopped.

Finally, I thought.

    I got out of bed at thought of going to the park again, to chill off. So I grabbed my (F/c) hoodie and a my sketchbook, to sketch obviously. I went down stairs and saw Mike on the coutch watching some sort of horror movie. I walked pass him and just as I was about to open the front door.

"The hell are you going?" He asked in a cold voice.
"Hell it self, wanna come with?" I retorted and with that I opened the door stepped outside and shut it closed.

     Its always like this between us two, he's mad that his parents replaced his original little sister with me. To be honest I don't giva a damn, his sister's name was Ally.

(You can change it if its your name ^^)

    I heard that Ally was a cheerful and loving kid that got hit by a car, note the sarcasm.
The exact opposite of who I am, I was considered by almost everyone in the neighbourhood as a quiet, loner, and selfish kid. Oh the pain is bareable.

   I got lost in my thoughts as I bump into someone, bracing for the impact...
But it didn't came, I open my eyes and look up to see the guy from the park. Why am I not suprised? I noticed the possotion we were in and blushed, I don't normally blush alot.... '/// '

"You okay there?" He asked. I snapped out of my thoughts and regained my blance as he helped me stood up straight again.
"I'm fine." I said. I then backed up a bit from him. He seemed confused as I do this.
"What? You don't trust me?" He asked as he puts both his hands inside the pockets of his hoodie, his scarf still covering half his face so I couldn't see his nose or mouth.

"Do you expect me to trust someone who showed up outta no where?" I asked in a laid-back voice.
"Fair point," he said.

   Silence took over and things couldn't get more akward huh? He kept staring at my eyes for some reason, his dark brown souless eyes staring into my (E/c) ones.
"Well... I better get going then." I said.
I proceeded to walk when I feel a slight pull on the sleeve of my hoodie, I turn around and he was the one tugging it.

"What?" I asked.
"Is your name (Y/n)?" He asks. How did he know my name?
"How d-" he cut me off.
"Mangle's been talking about you." He said. Mangle? As in my robotic white and pink fox friend Mangle?
"You know her?" My eyes widen.
"Yes, I know her. This isn't the best place to talk so maybe we should go some where." He sugested and I agreed.


    We decided to go to the park, and at the very coincidence. There were few people there, not more than five. Me and the mistery guy went to an empty bence and sat down, I was kinda sorta uncomftarble with the situation so... yeah its akward .-.

"Well... what's your name?" I asked.
"... the others call me puppet." He said in a weirdly agitated way.
"Puppet? Are you that robot from prize corner?" I asked again. I heard that there's this puppet thing in it.
"Yes, I'm that puppet." He awnsered again. I nodded, that's when he continued.
"Keep it a secret, 'kay?"

   Silence took over and to be honest I can't bare it, so he spoke up.
"You gonna work at the pizzaria?" He asked.
"Well yeah. I'm gonna save up some money, so I can escape my parents," I muttered the last part.
"Escape? Why, they abusing you?" He asked again.
"No, they're not even my real parents. Besides this town is boring, I thought since summer's coming up I could spend the night with Mangle or whatever." I explained. He only nodded.

   It got quiet again but this time its a calming quiet, the one you'd get when you're relaxing on a roof top. I don't know why, but its really nice. This is usually the perfect time to draw so I opened my sketchbook, this drew his attention.

"You like drawing?" He asked.
"Yep, the only thing I'm good at." With that I started to draw (whatever you'd like).

I can literally feel his eyes on me, and to be honest it sends a calm vibe.




    Time went by kinda fast, the sun is up and it is hot. Me and Marion decided to go to my house, he explained that all the animatronics had human forms including Mangle. He also said that they're annoying, dunno why but I guess when you have children souls inside teenage bodies is kinda of a rucus.

    The walk was quiet and some people eyed me suspiciously, and oh great! (E/n) just had to be walking on the same street. When we were about to cross paths s/he acidentally bumped into me, hard. So I almost fell down, luckly I regained my balance.

   I look up at him/her and gave 'em a dead cold stare which s/he flinched at.
"What're you looking at?" S/he snorted.
"Your ugly face," by that s/he growled.
After a minute of a staring contest s/he left, good I hate that sick bastard.

"Who was that?" Marion asked.
"A person who I hate," I awnsered shortly
"Wh-" before he could finish.
"Let's keep going." I said as I walked pass him.

I hate it when people threaten me, cause in the end... they'll đïē.


Just a note, this book will now update twice a week! I still don't know when though.... or if it'll be two updates.
But here are the first four chapters!

Cut My Strings (Marionette X Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now