Chapter 10 : Stand Up.

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Your POV

I sighed as I exited my mom's car and closed the door, I quickly walked to the front door and straight to my locker to get some books for my first class. Some other students were here already at 06.40, first class ; Chemestry.
*sighs* let's get this day over with already -_-


I walked down the street with my hood up, escaping school was pretty easy. It was about 11.40 just enough time to get to Jeff's school, I wonder how he's doing? I know the kid's smart but heck, he's a bit shy and a scardy cat. Last Hallowen he nearly passed ouy seeing me in a werewolf costume, I wasn't allowed treat or tricking after that ;-;
I arrived at the elementary school and walked out to the back and waited, shouldn't be long now...

My guess was correct as the bell rang, after about 10 minutes I could hear swarms of footsteps indicating some students were rushing out. I then heard some chattering and that was followed by a shout, a set of footsteps can be heard rushing here so I crouched down and pulled my hood just so it could cover my face. I saw a familliar kid running pass me, a stripped green and grey long sleeve and brown hair. Jeff ran towards the woods and I heard some other foorsteps, three kids maybe the same age as Jeff ran by. One of them was that redhead and two others I never met, I waited untill all have gone into the woods then I followed. I stayed out of sight as the three chased Jeff, I purposely made my footsteps loud enough for them to hear so they'd get a sense of paranoia and fear. One of them looked around which ment I had to get down and outta sight, I took a peek and he turn to follow the other two. I continued to follow only this time I ran towards the small pond and made it there before them, Jeff was by the three near the pond so I can get a clear view on the situation I climbed a tree and pulled out my camera from my bag. I got it prepped up and waited for the other three which didn't took long, I pushed record and aimed it at them. "This is a randomn footage brought to you by ; (choosen nickname, n/n) Let's see what will happen shall we?" I said.

"Yo reject! Where the hell do you think your going!? Huh!?" Keith a.k.a Redhead yelled as he pushed Jeff to the ground.
"I just came to chill! D-don't bother me-...!" Redhead grabbed Jeff's collar and lifted him to the air and trew him to the ground, this made me growl a little. The two followers -I name one of them with the black hair Skinny since he's frickin' slender like, and the other... I'll call him Shortster- backed Redhead up by pushing Jeff around like a rad doll, okay this made me really mad >:T

"You see this? What do you think is going on? The kid's getting beat up? The three are bullies? Hmm?" I asked to the camera, I then placed the thing on a brance and secured it. I jumped down drawing the three's attention towards me. Redhead was about to punch Jeff as he snapped his head to my direction, Jeff looked at me as well and a smile came to his lips.

"Heya there, what are you three up to?" I asked. Redhead huffed.
"Get lost! You didn't see anyth-"
"Oh I saw everything, everything since the moment you chased the kid." -I approached them- "What the hell do you think your doing?" I asked as I towered over the Redhead, he backed away so did his sidekicks. "Get lost kids, before I tear you limb from limb and feed them to the wolves." I said in a rather cold voice. Intimidation was always a talent I had since a kid.
"Who do you think you are?" Redhead yelled. I let out a wry chukle, "I'm just a humble student, nothing more nothing less. Now... if I see or hear you bother this kid again then I will not hesitate to rip your eyes out, shove them down your troath, so you can see me tearing your body limb-from-limb." I said in a way more demanding voice, the other two scowered off and the Redhead followed.

I looked back at Jeff and he was still on the ground with a suprised look on his face, crap I scared him.
"You alright?" I asked.
"Y-yeah I'm fine," he said.
"Well stand up then, you gonna stay like that forever?" I ask again.
Then he stood up and dusted his clothes. I walked off to the three and grabbed the camera, I stopped recording and watched the tape all over again just to make sure I got everything covered which did.
"Did you got it?" Jeff asked.
"Yep, we'll tell mom and dad about this then report it to the school so those kids wo-"
"No! Don't tell mom and dad!" Jeff interrupted.
"What? Jeff they have to kno-"
"No! Can't you tell my teacher? C'mon please!" He begged. I had to get to the park but who can say no to him?

I sighed and face-palm and dragged my hand down my face, well, I guess I wouldn't want to explain this to mom and dad.
"Fine, let's go then." I said as I started walking to the path that led outta these woods. I look back to see Jeff still there looking all gloomy... did I fucked up?
"What's wrong?" I asked. He didn't awnser for a while.

"What if they come again? What if tomorrow everyone in class will hate me? What if-"
"Shut it! Don't just make guesses like that, if they so much as bother you then stand up and punch them in the face! C'mon your gonna grow up so stand up, chin up, and hopes up! 'Cause if you give up that easily then... you might be stuck to where you are. They say your a reject? Well they have no sense at all, your a cool kid alright? Your good at video games and that block game whatever it's called-"


"Yeah that..."

Everything was silent again and I swear to flippin' god this is unbareable, how do people deal with these kind of situation?? HOW?
"C'mon, let's get you home." I said.


After all that, I got Jeff home and started walking to the park. Of course, deja vu structs. While walking and listening to music from my earphones... I bumped into a person and fell to the god be damned ground.
"Sorry, didn't see ya." I said in a rushed tone. I look up to see a hand reaching out to me and a man probably mid-twenties. He had light blonde hair and tanner skin, his eyes were a hazel colour and he wore a dull yellow button shirt along with black dress pants.
"Apologies miss, I didn't payed attention to where I was walking." He said. I stood up on my own and he frowned at this.
"Uh yeah, gotta go." I said kinda akwardly. What the hell is wrong with me with bumping into guys? Meh.

I reached the park and found a familliar figure standing at the entrance, Marion still had that scarf around his neck and hid half his face. Why is he still wearing it? I've seen him without it.
"Heya," I greeted and he nodded in respond.
This will be eventful..

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