Chapter 9 : Night 1 and the morning after.

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Your POV

After that talk with Marion I walked back to the office to find Mangle sitting on the desk with a confused look, I tilted my head to the side as if asking what's wrong.
"How come your friends with puppet?" She asked. That's it? Seriously?
"Puppet? You mean Marion? Well, he's nice, not annoying, and why wouldn't I?" I asked as I sat back down on the weel chair.
"Marion? That's his real name? Well, he's a prick around here. Just a few days back he dropped BB 4 feet from the air!" Mangle protested. So, he's a prick but I can only imagine him doing so if he's been annoyed.
"Well, what happened? As far as I know, he wouldn't do so if you'd didn't annoy him." I said and there was a moment of silent before she replied.

"BB the Toy's and I were playing tag and BB hid in puppet's box, puppet grabbed his collar and dropped him out! That's just not very nice!" Mangle huffed as she crossed her arms. No wonder the guy is more quiet here.
"What'd you expect?" I asked. Mangle turned to look at me in shock.
"Don't tell me your on his side! C'mon (Y/n) he could have just let BB hide there, besides I don't get why you see him as a nice guy." She said and I sighed.
"Actually if you tell that lil' story earlier it does makes sense, one ; you guys annoyed him, two ; he's more of a loner so you might want not to bother him much, three ; what did you expect when a kid suddenly jumps inside a box besides you saying they play tag?" I asked and looked up to her. She stared at me wide-eyed and sighed.
"I guess, fine you win this one." She said and silence took over. Not long, she spoke up.
"Hey, I'm gonna tell the others not to hurt you okay? Stay here! Be right back!" With that she ran off to the hallway. I just sat there with blank expression, she hasn't change.

I sighed again as I took out my earphones and start listening to a song called 'Sing me to sleep' by Alan Walker. It's a new song so I decided to hear it out, and damn is it good!
I started humming along the song as I checked the cameras, I can see Marion sitting on his box in human form.

Wait a second let me catch me breath
Remind me how it feels to hear your voice
Your lips are moving and I can't hear a thing
Living life as if we had a choice

He looked up at the camera and I swear for a second I thought he was looking at me, then he waved as a slight smile can be seen. I smile back with idocity, he can't see me god damned. He said a few words but I can't hear them due to the camera being a bish .-.
I put the tablet down and rested my head on my hand, my elbow on the desk infront of me. It's boring but at the very least theres music, with out my notice, I started singing along with the song.

Anywhere anytime I would do anything for you
Anything for you
Yesterday, gone away, melody stuck inside your head
A song in every breath

Sing.. me.. to sleep.. now
Sing me to sleep
Oh, just sing me to sleep now
Sing.. me.. to sleep

(Musical break down :D)

Remember me, no time cannot erase
I can hear your wisphers in my mind
I've become what you cannot embrace..
Our memory will be my lullaby

Sing.. me.. to sleep.. now
Sing me to sleep
Oh, just sing me to sleep now
Sing.. me.. to sleep

(Misical break down)

"You have a nice voice," I jumped at the sudden words and look up to see Marion. He was listening?
"How much did you...?" I asked, a slight blush appearing on me cheeks.
"The last part only, it's 5 am." He said as he sat on the desk facing away from me.
"Really?" I looked at the tablet and yep, 5 am it is. Silence took over yet again and I kept replaying the song, it was peaceful yet full of... I don't know. It just fits the mood.
"Hey (Y/n)," Marion called.
"... can you sing again?" He asked and I just stayed silent, he wants me to sing? My voice isn't even that good, well not that I think.
"What song?" I asked, well it could pass the time.
"Any song you'd like," he said and I decided to sing the previous song..

Wait a second let me catch me breath
Remind me how it feels to hear your voice
Your lips are moving and I can't hear a thing
Living life as if we had a choice

Anywhere anytime I would do anything for you
Anything for you
Yesterday, gone away, melody stuck inside your head
A song in every breath

Sing.. me.. to sleep.. now
Sing me to sleep
Oh, just sing me to sleep now
Sing.. me.. to sleep

(Musical break down)

Remember me, no time cannot erase
I can hear your wisphers in my mind
I've become what you cannot embrace..
Our memory will be my lullaby

Sing.. me.. to sleep.. now
Sing me to sleep
Oh, just sing me to sleep now
Sing.. me.. to sleep

(Misical break down)

..." I finished with a sigh and silence tool over yet once again before I decided to break it.
"So... you like any songs in particullar?" I asked. He glanced at me for a second before turning away.
"No, except the ones I've heard with you." He said and I chuckled. I don't see how Mangle sees him as a prick, I went back to checking the cameras and thats when I saw a flash of... yellow? Or was it gold? It was the Camera at the hall but.. nah I'm seeing things. It's now 05.30, I sighed as I put down the tablet. I rested my head in my hand and elbow on the desk, Marion turned to look at me and our stares meet locked as if in a staring contest. Silence yet once again took place. His dark brown eyes almost seemed black here, his white silverish hair dimed in this room. He looked dull and sorta lifeless i n the pizzaria, out there he looked like, well, a normal guy with white hair.


The bell rang and made me jump in suprise, I could've sworn he chukled at that.
"I'll see you at noon, bye." He said and left after that.
"Y-yeah see you," damned stutter. Seriously, how does Mangle see him as a prick!? He is frickin nice and... well him. He's not afraid to be him self even if it'll make him seem like a cold person, in reality he's nice and a little cute '-'
I sighed as I grabbed my bag and head out, not forgetting to say 'hi' or 'good morning' to the day shift. They seem nice, maybe I can finally fit in here... that'll be nice. Outside, the air was fresh and the sun was at the horizon. A beautiful sight, I put my hands in my pockets and walked home. Maybe mom can drop me at school, then when its 11 or so I'll excuse my self and get the hell out of there. After all that, I can hang out with Marion...

Crap I'm blushing.

(A/n) I'm back!!
And with (unfortunately) only one chapter this week. I've been kinda busy and I have no inspiration at all lately ;-;
So please comment about somethings that you would like to see in the future chapters!

This is Echo Kira signing out untill next Friday, Thieves Unite!

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