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Did you...
Fail that major math test?
Forget to put your dog in the kennel?
Drive while drunk and kill someone?

Do you wish life came with a rewind button?
Do you wish you could truly have that clean slate?

Welcome to Hit Rewind, the technology that allows you to erase the mistakes of your past. It will revolutionize the way you live your life.*

It's not a time machine. Each remote that you get from us is a single-use, tailored specifically for your needs at the time of your request.

All needs must be filed on our website, using the official form. Your request will be reviewed by a discreet panel of judges, and if you are deemed worthy of a Rewind, your remote will arrive within a day.

Are you ready to Rewind to your fresh start?

*Hit Rewind is not liable for any problems that may occur when using its product. Remotes and Rewinds are not meant to encourage reckless behavior. Your request will not be granted if it is not deemed worthy.

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