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I wake up disappointed, remembering that the very thing that I had wanted had been denied.

Except I couldn't even remember what I had wanted a Rewind for.

The thought startles me, and I rub my forehead.  Someone I knew must have requested a Rewind as well, and now my previous memories have been replaced.

My phone buzzes on the nightstand next to my bed, and I fumble with it for a moment before managing to answer it.

"Good morning, handsome.  You ready to conquer another day?" Caitlin's beautiful voice drifts through my ear and knocks the rest of the shock out of me.

"Only if it includes my wonderful girlfriend," I answer, getting out of bed and reaching for my laptop.

The neighbors have likely gotten used to the semi-naked boy wandering in front of his windows with only boxers on.

"Mom and Dad finally managed to find an obstetrician so that we can get a look at this beautiful baby we made.  Our appointment's today if you want to come."

I smile even as I type in my password to log into my email.  "That would be awesome, Cait.  Like I'd miss the chance to see that kid for the first time.  What time and where?"

She blurts out a time and address before adding, "I didn't really want to go, but Mom's worried because I'm larger than I should be at this stage."

"What if it's twins?" I ask, ignoring my emails for a moment to focus all my attention on my girlfriend's voice.  "Wouldn't you be bigger if you're carrying more than one baby?"

"I didn't think about that.  Michael, what are we going to do if we're having multiples?  This baby's going to be expensive enough as it is with only one, but if we have more than one—"

"Caitlin, honey, we'll worry about it once it's confirmed.  You know I'd never let anything happen to those babies, and your parents won't either.  Heck, my mom is already salivating at the thought of a grandchild, and I know she'd been even more thrilled to have more than one."

She sighs.  "You're right.  It's crazy to be worrying about it before we even know what's going on."

"If you didn't worry, you wouldn't be human.  Trust me, I'm worrying too.  In fact, I'm freaking out every time that I think about being a father in about four months," I tell her.  "But you know, I'm going to love that child, whether it's just the one or if we are blessed with more.  I hope you never regret continuing this pregnancy."

"Of course not, Michael," Caitlin says, but there's a funny note to her voice.  "I have a feeling that if I had aborted, I would have regretted it for the rest of my life."

My lips curl into another grin even though a flash of deja vu runs through me.  "I'm glad you decided not to terminate, Cait.  We're going to love that baby to death even when we're not really sure what we're doing.  I'll see you later, okay?"

"Okay.  Love you, handsome."

"Love you too, wonderful," I answer before hanging up and opening my laptop again.

The email with the form I had filled out attached to it is near the top of my inbox.  I click on it and read through it.

It surprises me to find out that I had requested a Rewind because Caitlin had aborted her pregnancy after breaking up with me.

It couldn't be true.  After all, my very pregnant girlfriend had just called me and invited me to her first appointment.

Unless she had gotten her Rewind granted, and we were living in her second chance.

I close my laptop hard and sit back.  Had Caitlin felt just as bad about everything as I had, and the only reason my request had been denied was because hers had been granted?

I didn't care as long as I still had my sweet girlfriend and the precious baby she carried.

Progress with 2746

Note: Request 2746 seems to have come to an understanding, despite his revised memories, that his request was not granted because of girlfriend's Rewind being granted.  However, he is content with how events are unfolding.  We will keep a close eye on the two of them though.

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