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This time, the positive result on the pregnancy test I took doesn't surprise me.

This time, I didn't buy fifty boxes of them, desperately hoping that the truth would change and those pink lines wouldn't show up.

This time, I rest my hands on my stomach and smile down at the child already growing within me.

My parents react the same though.  They stumble over each other, asking whose baby it is, asking when I got pregnant, asking what I plan on doing with the child.

I merely lean back in my chair and tell them that I planned on allowing them to adopt my baby, but I was going to raise it.

My mother cries, much like last time, but they are happy tears, rather than the disappointed tears that I had seen when I told them I was planning on aborting.

My heart feels full, but the worst part is yet to come.

Telling my baby's dad.

My fingers tremble as I dial the number, as the phone rings.  My other hand unconsciously starts making swirling circles across my stomach.

"We need to talk," I say as soon as I hear him pick up.  "We need to talk now."

"Cait," he asks in a deadly serious tone, "are you breaking up with me?"

I start shaking my head before remembering that he can't see it.  "No.  No, I'm not breaking up with you.  Can you please just come over?  I need to tell you something."

His end goes silent for a moment as he processes my words.  "I'll be right over, Cait."

Sure enough, the doorbell rings minutes later, and I open it to find the concerned face of my boyfriend.

"Caitlin, are you dying?" He starts.

I pull him inside and kiss his cheek.  "No, Michael, I'm not dying.  I'm...we're...I'm pregnant."

Michael blinks at me for a moment like that was worse to hear me say than blurting out that I had cancer.

"You're pregnant," he whispers in disbelief.  "It's all my fault!  I should have made sure—"

I cut him off with a long hard kiss on his lips, not wanting this to progress the same way as before.  "Michael, I'm not mad.  It's not your fault alone, but I'm not mad.  We shared something together, and now, we're going to share one more thing."

"Don't you see, Caitlin?  I ruined your life.  There goes all your dreams for college.  There goes all your dreams of holding a job.  Instead, you'll be stuck at home with a kid!"

Carefully, I lay a hand on his shoulder before forcing him to look me in the eyes.  "We're not going to be like your parents.  I know you'll never walk out on me.  My parents have agreed to adopt the baby, but we're going to raise them too."

His navy eyes glisten with tears before he wraps me in his arms.  "How did I ever end up with such an amazing girlfriend?"

I tuck my head closer to his chest and allow myself to sag in relief.  "How did I ever end up with a wonderful supportive boyfriend?"

I'm not going to be alone this time, feeling like everyone hated me for getting pregnant.  This time, Michael is going to be there to walk with me, and that is exactly what I need.

Progress with 2539

Note: So far, Request 2539 seems to be going well.  She has made the decision not to abort the child(ren), she has managed to reassure the boyfriend, and she has come to terms with the fact that she's going to be a parent.  However, we will see what the coming five months and beyond will bring.

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