
72 12 5

I hold all the cards. They just don't understand the game we're playing yet.

My two years have passed quickly, or rather, most of my two years have passed quickly.

Today, I stand by the open casket of our principal and wonder at what could have been if she hadn't died.

I feel no sympathy for her though.

No, I only feel it for the girl sitting in the front pew, staring numbly at the wall with all her tears cried out.

I want to wipe those lingering spots of wetness away from her cheeks. I want to be the one to hold her and comfort her.

However, it would give away my hand.

I can't risk that. Not yet.

Instead, I carefully pluck one white lily from one of the many bouquets overflowing in the church.

I tuck it safely away into my pocket before slipping away.

No one even sees me go. Not the pregnant girl and her boyfriend. Not my king.

At home, I lay the lily in a bed of tissue before sealing the box.

No note will be necessary.

She will know.

Mentally, I select one card from my hand and place it on the table facedown.

Let it linger there. Let them all wonder what I'm doing. Let them bet against me.

They don't understand that I already own the entire pot and am only waiting for the opportunity to seize it.

Progress with 8253

Note: I always thought the lily was a nice touch. How about you?

Never mind. I don't truly care. After all, not everyone can appreciate a symbolic gesture such as the likes of 8253. My predecessor sure couldn't.

That's why I took the subject out of their hands. You'll see, I promise.

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