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Your request had been granted.  Expect your remote within 24 hours.  Thank you for using Hit Rewind.

Relief fills me at the sight of those words.  I fight the urge to kiss the computer, to jump up and scream my victory to the whole neighborhood.

My hands reach for my cellphone, and I scroll through the numbers before realizing what I'm doing.

I can't call him.  He never wanted the child, and now that I'm reclaiming the baby, he won't want me.

I should delete the number, but it feels too permanent.

Instead, the phone drops from my hand onto the floor.  I watch it, half-hoping it will shatter on contact.

It doesn't.  Instead, I stare at the screen still displaying the number until the phone falls asleep.

I bite my lip and press a hand to my flat stomach.  My baby will grow within me again, and this time, they are staying for good.

Hit Rewind
Retrieval of Request 2539 (C. Heyers) Medical Records

Note: It is confirmed that the request is valid.  2539 did indeed have an abortion three months ago.  From all looks, it would be wise to grant her request.

Note: Further looks at the records reveals that she was likely carrying two embryos.  I agree with earlier assessments but add that we should probably keep a close eye on her.  2539 may be more important than we first believe.

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