Hit Rewind Would Like To Thank...

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Haha, just kidding.  It's me again, but I will be thanking several people.

First, my mom.  She was awesome and read the first ten chapters of this.  I'll also forgive her for poking holes in my plot because it really did make the story better.  Love you, Mom!

Next, GodGirl91.  The trailer that you're going to make for me will be awesome.  I just know it!  Thank you for all the time you are/will putt(ing) in on it.  Also, maybe the Lightbulbs grow strong in numbers!  I thank God everyday for finding you.

SmallBobInc, the covers were amazing!  Every time I see them, I just smile.  And the speed at which you achieve such masterpieces was astonishing.  If anyone needs a cover, I'm recommending you!  Thanks again.

To my faithful readers!  I don't remember all your names, but my gratitude goes out to you.  Hit Rewind survived its baby stages because of you!  Special thanks to no_kidding, who has voted on every chapter almost immediately.  You rock, and everyone should check out your stories.

I loved being able to share Will, Leslie, Michael, and Caitlin with you.  However, I have one question.  If I decided to do a sequel, would anyone find that interesting?

Let me know in the comments if this interests you.

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