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Emmett snores a lot less in his own bed than he does in mine, and that might be enough of a reason for us to stay here more often. I think his bed is actually more comfortable. I slept like a baby, and I was sure of that because when I checked the time, it was almost eleven, meaning I slept about two extra hours than usual. Granted, I was up pretty late last night...

My dress was rumpled up on the ground, along with Emmett's sweater and pants. It happened so fast, I almost don't remember everything. I'm okay with it though, because I'm in a great mood and, judging from last night's events, I'm assuming Emmett will be too.

I slid out of bed and looked down to assess my outfit. I was clad in one of Emmett's t-shirts, so it was serving more as a dress. When I walked into the bathroom, the first thing I noticed were the love marks along my neck and down my collar bone, which I don't remember receiving. I can deal with this. I reached for my clutch and went through the process of checking my sugar. I was a bit low, but that's nothing a little cereal can't fix. It wasn't so low that I needed to take immediate action, so I decided to take a few more minutes with Emmett.

I crawled back into his bed and wiggled my way into his arms. Once he realized what I was trying to do, he let out a loud yawn, then opened his arms and pulled me in. He was so warm; I didn't even need a blanket. I wasn't able to fully fall back to sleep, but I was able to daydream a bit before I felt Emmett starting to stir. I was just thinking about when his birthday was when a pair of tired, clear, blue eyes met mine. His eyes were amazing. "How did you sleep?" He asked me, stretching out so that my body was pushed back a bit from his. I instantly felt the cold air around us and pulled myself back to him, earning a chuckle and feeling his arms wrap around me again. "I slept really well, actually. Your bed is amazing."

He took this in more ways than one, winking at me as I felt the blood rise to my cheeks. He sure did make that happen a lot. "Well, I'm glad you said that. Now, as much as I'd love to stay in bed all day, my stomach is about to eat itself if I don't put something in it." He climbed out of bed first, only in a pair of sweats. I don't know what it is about a man in sweats, but I was lucky to have one of my own, this one specifically. I was next, and I think Emmett forgot what he gave me to sleep in. His eyes went wide and he immediately found me a pair of sweats. "These don't fit anymore, but they'll still probably drag the floor, unless you'd like to wear your heels with them." "That's just a terrible idea." He was laughing at his own lame joke as he led us into the kitchen. We both ate the usual, Reese's Puffs, and Joey walked in the front door as we were cleaning up.

"You know, you could at least try to stay away from the walls next time, I swear everyone in the complex found their pictures frames on the floor this morning." I almost choked on the milk I had just drunk. He did not just say that. "Joe, shut up," Emmett told him, not leaving it open to discussion. Joey only shrugged his shoulders and made himself a sandwich, since it really was not the time of day for breakfast. "What are your plans today?" I asked Joey and Emmett simultaneously, trying to let them know that I was going to be friendly and not stuck up about all the dirty jokes. "I didn't have anything planned," Emmett told me, locking eyes with Joe, "I figured that we would hang around here." "I actually have a full day today," Joey said, while meeting Emmett's eyes with his eyebrows rose. "I'm visiting some old friends and family, so I'll be out driving all afternoon." "That sounds nice. Are you saying goodbye before the deployment?" He was clearly not prepared for me to want to talk openly about their six month deployment, because this time, it was Joey that locked eyes with Emmett. "Yeah...I am." "That's cool. If Emmett actually had friends I'd be forcing him to do the same." Joey laughed at Emmett as he grumbled about having friends, and said his goodbyes a few minutes later.

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