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I pulled away from Ro, studying her features.

"You do?" I asked, happiness in my voice. She nodded. "Are you mad at me? I'm so sorry, I-- I can't explain to you how sorry I am." I said, looking down. I'm so foolish, thinking that she would forgive me right off the bat.

Ro sighed a frustrated sigh. "Well, can you please tell me why you did it?" She asked, pulling me over towards the couch. I nodded, ready to tell her the whole thing.


"Wow." She breathed out after explaining to her what happened. I told her all of it, how I felt when I kissed her, how I got suspended, and how my mom said I couldn't talk to her again. "So... You really did like me?" She asked, looking down to her lap.

"Yes, yes I did. Why?" I asked, confusion lacing through me. What did she mean?

"Well... when You said never again... I-I thought that you meant you would never again like me... or even kiss me... for these." She explained, pulling up her long-sleeved shirt to show the things I absolutely loathed for taking over her life. Scars.

I gasped, not sure how to take in this new information. I carefully grabbed her arm, looking at the clinging skin-wreckers, illustrating her soft skin. "Why did you-- why do you do this to yourself?" I asked, looking into her eyes while my hands still carefully held her arm.

"When I was younger... I... I felt like I had no one. My daddy left when I was three, and my mom had to take care of all three of us... my brothers and I... by herself. And when you kissed me in the bathroom... the day before I found out that my house was going into foreclosure." She sobbed, tears flowing down her face.

"I thought that you had left me... Just like everyone else after they found out I was poor, or cut, or anything that made me different." Ro said, her body slightly shaking. "However, now I understand that you didn't leave me. You were forced to, and I forgive you for that." She smiled weakly at me, but it looked more like a grimace.

I pulled her in for a hug, stroking her long, blackish hair. "I'm so glad you forgive me, I'm so glad. I'm so glad." I whispered into her ear. "Please, you are perfect. You don't need these," I pointed to her scars. "Just as much as everyone else doesn't. Just... don't do it again. Okay?"

She looked hesitant, but slowly nodded her head. "O-okay." She stuttered, looking into my eyes the first time today. Her eyes were different colored browns, swirling together like magic.

"Yaay!!" I yelled, pulling her into a hug. She seemed startled, but gradually wrapped her arms around me. I pulled away from her, smiling. "So, how have you been?" I asked, trying to start up a conversation.

"Well... not that good."

"What? Why?"

"Well," she hesitated, biting her lip. "When my mom, well, when we lost the house, we moved into a small apartment, one room and a kitchen. I got used to it after a long, long while, and eventually moved out on my own, at eighteen. You know, the year you went to X-Factor." She stopped for a minute, tears welling up in her eyes.

"And, I've been here for a year, and I'm already losing this place. My job at Nando's isn't paying that much, and I have no where else to stay." She started crying, sobs racking through her body. "I can't go back to my mom, she died of breast cancer when I moved out, and I have no idea where Owen and Cormac are." She rested her head on my chest, tears staining my shirt.

That's when I had the crazy idea.


Ugh, this is so short! I'm sorry, I'm sick today and I'm kind of having writers block for this story. Have any ideas? Put it in the comments below!! :D


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