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I woke up to the feeling of being set down on something soft, my head elevated by a pillow.

I groaned, flipping everywhere trying to get comfortable until my wrists screamed in pain.

Oh, right.

I gasped in pain, wrapping my wrists around my stomach, trying to add pressure to the sting to make it go away. 

"Oh my God, Ro, are you okay?" Someone asked, making me squint one of my eyes open to find Zayn hovering over me. He was standing on the side of the bed, his hands holding him perched on the soft material I was laying on.

"Maggurrfflll." I groaned, trashing around trying to find a comfortable spot, but failing miserably. "I vould like, to gu, to sweeeeppp." I wailed, doing a weird accent which I didn't even know was. It was beyond me how I could even speak like that.

"You've been sleeping for a solid two hours, you need to talk to us boys about what had happened." This made me stop my movement, sit up, and glare at the tanned skinned boy who just happened to be semi-attractive.

"Oh, really? You don't know what happened? You woke me up from MY sleep, at MY time, while was just in the hospital, to talk about what happened? You're lucky you have a pretty face, I would have punched you by now if you were someone else." I grumbled, making him widen his eyes in shock, but it soon turned into a smug smirk.

"You think I have a pretty face?" He teased, just making me get more annoyed.

"You're only just above a gargoil, don't push it. And I'm pretty sure you already know what happened, doofus." I rolled my eyes, just making him go quiet.

"So, it's true? What Louis said while you were hugging Liam?" He asked, skooting next to me on the bed. The covers weren't over us, so it wasn't awkward, per say. We sat criss crossed in front of each other, making me feel like I did something wrong.

"Um... Yeah, is that bad?" I asked nervously, my eyesight twitching everywhere. Oh, look at that pretty lamp over there. And that dresser, oh how extravagant! 

"Well, of course it's bad! That's one of the reasons you did... it." He said, his voice going just below a whisper at the end.

"You don't have to pretend that cutting is Voldemort, Zayn. I did it, I can't take it back." I rolled my eyes, making him kind of shocked at my fowardness.

"Yeah... but still... it's not good." He explained, wrapping his arms around me. "Just promise you will never do it again, okay?" He whispered into my ear. making me nod my head, not trusting my voice.

Because I knew I would find some way to try it again, no matter how much I hated doing this to my body.

"Good girl." He sighed, patting the back of my head while still embracing me with his arms. "You know, Louis really feels bad about what he did. He's been beatinng himself up for it, Niall even said that he punched a wall down at the hospital, he saw it himself." This just made tears slide down my cheeks, knowing that Louis was feeling bad about what I bet a lot of people would have loved to do.

Try and keep me out of their lives.

Soon enough, sobs were coming through my mouth and Zayn pulled back, surprised. "What's wrong, Ro? Are you hurting? Do you need advil, or anything?" I felt loved by his concern, but I just really needed someone right now, to try and work things out.

"Um... could you please go get Louis?" I asked, surprising Zayn as well as myself.

"Y-yeah, uh... sure." He stuttered, getting off of the bed and walking out of the door.

"R-ro?" Louis asked, opening the door, after three minutes of me drowning in my thoughts.

"Uh, yeah, Hello, Louis. Come, sit down." I requested.




I walked over to the bed, carefully sitting on the side, farthest away from her. "W-what do you want to talk about?" I asked, twiddling my thumbs, like the day I was sent to the headmaster for kissing the girl in front of me.

After a few seconds of awkwardness, she finally spoke up. "Why?"

I knew exactly what she was talking about. "I... I don't know." I whispered, not wanted to tell her I was jealous of my best mate and band member.

"God, Louis, you have to know!" She wailed, making me snap my head up. She was running her bandaged hand through her hair, her legs criss crossed in front of her with few tears streaming down her beautiful face. "You have got to know, you did it, and I'm not sure... I'm not sure if it was the right idea to come with you to meet the boys. It just resulted of you guys spending time with a freak... and going to the hospital for it. You have to know, because if you didn't do it we could have been downstairs right now, watching a movie or going to a fair. It's all my fault, but you're blaming yourself, and I would like to know why." She wept, making me feel horrible.

She thought it was her fault this was happening because of her? It was really because of my big ego thinking I could have any girl I wanted, it was because I was so blind and stupid saying those things to her, even though I knew it would result in something... major.

"Ro, I--"

"No, Louis. I know that you blame this on yourself, and I know that you're just going to say 'I don't know why' like the person you are. I thought we were building a friendship... I thought we were building something more. But people are just wild horses, they do what you would least expect. And I surely did not expect those horrid words coming from your mouth, Louis Tomlinson." I was shocked and hurt at her truthful words. However, I saw it coming, and I deserved it. I was horrid to her, I did do the things she talked about. 

She had tears streaming down her face, her injured wrists trembling as well as her bottom lip. I had done something that she managed to stay away from all these years, but it came crashing down on her these two days. Something that had hurt her greatly.

I broke her.


OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. So I went to go see a play last night called The Crucible and I swear to God, I loved it. The acting was great, it really portrayed Salem and all the Witch Trials.

So, on to the book...

OMG OMG OMG OMG. Do you guys like this chapter? I know that since I don't really have a schedule for updating, they all are surprises, but this one is an extra good surprise because it came early, yayayayayayayay!!!! 

So, yeah! Vote, comment, fan, follow, whatevs. 

See ya lata, Alligata.



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