Old Feelings Surface

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I stood in the doorway as I listened to the boys sing Diana to Ro, her eyes swimming in happiness and grattitude. I smiled lightly at this, but frowned realizing that I was the reason why we were all here, why Ro was dressed in that napkin of a hospital gown with bangages wrapped around her arms.

"We love you, Ro!" The boys yelled after they finished the song while giving a group hug.

"Yeah, some more than others." I murmured, making Ro look up. Before she could catch sight of me, though, I walked away, sure to leave a questioning shadow behind. 

As soon as I was out of sight, and out of hearing range, I groaned loudly and hit the white hospital wall with my fist. Why were my feelings resurfacing from my little crush I had on her, what, ten years ago? Why do they seem to be growing in height, towering over my body with such a strong force only a kiss, one kiss, from her could take away?

I had kissed her in grade 7, and I intend on doing it again. No matter how hard I fight, no matter how bruised and battered I would be on the inside from this uphill battle. I shall fight for Ro, my girl, until I could call her mine.

I had snapped out of my thoughts when I felt the sore pain rush through my right hand from the punch. I held onto my wrist tightly, hissing in the pain. However, I might deserve this. This is just a fraction of what she was feeling right then, in that hospital bed, both physical and mental pain washing her body until it was red and raw. My thoughts were a jumbled mess, a hurricane going through my head.

"Hey, Lou, it's time to go." Someone said behind me, making my snap my head behind to find Niall smiling lightly at me, trying to ease the tension between us two, I bet. "Hey, what happened to your hand?" He asked curiously, making me stare down at my left hand, which I was clutching to.

"Um... Yeah, I tripped. It'll be fine, just need some morphine or something to clear it up." I smiled reassuringly at him, but he just glanced at me unsure before guiding our way back to the hospital room down the hall.

Once we got to the door, my breathing turned shaky. I didn't want to face Ro again, after all that has happened, and having her confront me about it. Even worse, I didn't want her to bottle up her feelings, having it burst out sooner or later.

"Hello, Louis." She smiled after Niall opened the door, both of us walking in. I could tell her smile was fake as a the same nurse from before was taking out her IVs and reapplying the bandages with new, clean ones.

"Hello, Ro. How... how are you feeling?" I asked, scratching the back of my neck and looking down at the floor.

"I've been better." She admits, looking down at her lap.

"Ms. Barkley, I know the doctors have already asked you this, but how in God's name did you get this many cuts?" The nurse asked, making Ro tense up and look at us boys for help.

"Um... she was running and she ran into a piano edge, making the cuts?" Zayn warily stated, making the nurse roll her eyes.

"Yeah, sure." She turned to Ro who was trying to get up. "Miss Barkley, do you suffer from self harm?"

All of us tensed up at this question, knowing the answer, but Ro apparently has been asked this question many times, basically rehearsing the line.

"No, of course not! It was just an accident, that's all." She smiled brightly at her, but the nurse didn't buy it.

"Miss Barkley, there were other scars there. It is evident that you self harm. I suggest you stop, and soon, or else you will have to go under suicide watch in the psychiatric ward."

All of us gasped at this, even Ro who had fear in her eyes. "No, no no no. Please, I will stop, just don't send me to that place, I've been there before, it was horrible. I'll stop, I promise." She pleaded, tears strolling down her face. 

The nurse sighed. "Okay, we will not send you there for now. But if we get any calls about this from any of these boys," she pointed to all of us, "then you will be forced into suicide watch." We all nodded curtly, turning around and strolling out of the room before any more questioning.

We walked out of the hospital, making me release the breath I didn't know I was holding. Hospitals just seem so... tragic, to me. Hundreds of people die in there every week, maybe even every day, while their loved ones mourn over them. 

Once we got into the car, the boys started questioning Ro.

"What do you mean you were in suicide watch before?"

"Why didn't you stop?"

"Why would they put you there before?"

"What did she mean when she said if she get's a call from us, she'll be taking you in?"

"STOP." She yelled, making us all cut off our further questions. "I was on suicide watch before, it was because my mother found out. I did stop, that was until my mother died. Then I started again. When she said that if she gets a call from you, I'm going back in, it means if you catch me... doing that again then you have to call the hospital up and send me in right away." She breathed in deeply at the end, for she was talking so fast I barely got what she was saying. "I... I just wish I could get better." She sobbed, leaning on the shoulder of the person closest to her, which was me.

Thank the Gods.

I wrapped my arms around her, getting dirty looks from the other boys, but I didn't care. She was in my arms for the last time in weeks, months, maybe years, and I had to savour it. I doubt she actually knew who's arms she was in, though. I bet if she did she would just jump right out and go to Zayn, or Liam. They seem the closest ones to her so far, she didn't know who found her, I think.



Yes, I knew who's arms I fell into.

However, I didn't care.

I just wanted someone to comfort me, I've been weak for so long, however barely cried. I just needed a shoulder to cry on, and the closest one just ended up being Louis.

"Sh, princess, it's okay. You're okay. I'm so sorry, Ro, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean those words I said. forgive me please, forgive me." Louis whispered in my hair, kissing the top of my head. I could feel the other boy's eyes burning wholes into us, but I just snuggled farther into Louis' chest, trying to block out everything.

Just trying to get one, just one, peaceful sleep.




So, no, Ro isn't going to forgive Louis... at least, not in the next couple of chapters. ;)

I hope you guys liked it, thank you for keeping it for so long and keeping up with my annoying time schedule. :( 

I love you all!


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