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"What do you mean. 'I'm a keeper'?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. Liam was still hugging me from the side. Hmm. He maybe a bit bonkers.

"It means they like you, love." Louis chuckled, returning the favor my ruffling my hair up. I scowled at him, and looked back at Liam.

"You know you're still clinging onto me for dear life, right?" I asked, holding back my laughter.

"Yup! You're a good cuddle." He laughed, letting go of me. I laughed with him, happy that they-- well, at least Liam and Louis-- like me.

"So... where are you living?" Harry asked, curiousity in his eyes. Louis sent him a glare, probably telling him to back off. 

"Oh, no, it's really fine, Lou. I live in a flat in Manchester by myself. Work at Nando's, as well." Niall's head snapped up and he looked at me in excitement.

"Really?" He asked, sounding happy and excited. I nodded, and he ran over to me and wrapped his arms round me tightly.

"You're right, Liam. She is a keeper!" He yelled. Liam laughed in the sidelines as i struggled in Niall's grip. He let go of me, a smile on his face. "You really work at Nando's?" He asked, making sure I wasn't lying.

"Yeah, I do. It's pretty fun, once you get over that the pay isn't really that much." I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Well, that's pretty awesome!" Zayn said, speaking for the first time in ages. "I like you. Lou, can we keep her?" He asked, doing puppy dog eyes. The rest of the boys did it as well, which made me fall into a pit of laughter. 

"Your... guy's... faces!" I yelled, holding onto Louis' arm for support. He was chuckling as well, but not from the boys. From how stupid I look. WELL THEN LOU.

"Well... no." Louis responded. Wait, what?

"What?" We all asked in unison.

"She can't... because she called me a bad kisser." Louis reasoned, crossing his arms and pouting. Wow, does that boy do that a lot.

"Aw, come on, Louis! It'll be fine, I'm sure she was just joking. Right, Ro?" Niall asked, elbowing me in the ribs.

"Nope. He really is a bad kisser." I stated falsley. All the boys sent me glares, which I gladly returned with my not-so-award-winning smile. All of a sudden, Louis had a mischevious grin on his face.

"Umm.. Louis? Are you plotting to destroy the human ra--" I was cut off my his hands coming to my stomach, tickling the life out of me.

"Say that Louis is the best kisser in the world and everyone should worship him for it!" He yelled, laughing at my seal-like laugh. (A/N: @AshyStyles16 Hehehe... which friend of ours has that? >:]) 

"N-n-neverrr!!!" I screamed, laughing. Eventually, all the boys joined in, laughing as well. "S-s-stop!" I yelled, panting for breath. I swear, I have never laughed this hard in my life.

"Say Lou is the best kisser in the world and everyone should worship him for it!" Liam screamed, tickling me harder.

"F-fine! Louis is the best kisser in the world and everyone should worship him for it!" I yelled, out of breath. But...

They kept torturing me with tickles.

"You have to mean it!" Zayn yelled over the laughter of his band mates and himself.

"Louis is the very bestest kisser in the world and everyone, even aliens, should worship him down on their hands and knees for it!" I yelled, exaggerating it a little... okay a lot. Well, at least it got the boys to stop tickling me.

I looked at all their faces, and I bet I had a mischevious glint in my eye. "Ro... what are you doi--"

"GET 'EM!" I screamed over Louis, pointing to him. All the boys followed me as we tickled the life out of him, probably giving him a six pack from all the laughter.

"Stooop!!!" Louis screamed, giggling like a schoolgirl. Ha, yeah right.

"Only if you say Ro is the most amazing kisser in the world and you have onion breath!" I screamed, coming up with the first thing that popped into my mind.

"Ro is the most amazing kisser in the world and I have onion breath!" He called, making us all let go of him.

"You give up to easy." I pouted, looking him in the eye.

"And you're too brave to endure five 19-22 year old boys tickling you to death." Liam chuckled, running a hand through his quiff.

"You know what, YOLO." Harry screamed. Huh? 

He got up from the floor (Where we all fell when they were tickling me), and jumped over to me, giving me a big, tight cuddle. "You're so cuddly!" He screamed in my ear, making me laugh.

"Yes yes, we all know that Harold. Why are you hugging her?" Niall asked, trying to hold back his laughter. Key word, trying. 

"Because besides Zayn, I'm the only one who didn't hug her!" Harry reasoned, earning a chuckle from everyone else in the room. After he let go...

"YOLO." Zayn yelled and he ran right up to me and hugged the living daylights out of me. Literally. My eyesight went black for a couple of seconds. That was scary.

"Um... okay?" I blurted, awkwardly patting Zayn on the back. He just hugged me tighter. And I lost my eyesight. Again.

"Zayn, let go of the Lass before you break her." Liam sighed, pulling me out of Zayn's grasp. I gasped for air, for his hug crushed my lungs. Liam sat me next to him, throwing his arm around my shoulders. Was it me, or did I just feel a warm, fuzzy feeling spread throughout my body? Oh, well. I was just cold, and Liam's keeping me warm. (Kinda sounded like a Ed Sheeran song, kinda didn't.)


Hmm... RO AND LIAM? SHIP NAMES ANYONE?  I would love some ship names for Ro and Liam and Ro and Louis. I wonder which one she's gonna end up with... No seriously I didn't even plan that far ahead yet. Oh, well. I'm unorganized like that. Humph. HUMP DAYYY. Sorry. That was random.





FOLLOW (maybe?)


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