Chapter 9: Ella's POV

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I opened my eyes and looked out the window across the room from my bed. It was light out. I had an awful feeling in the pit of my stomach. I'm late for school.
I shouldn't get so worked up about being late. When I was younger, before I could drive, my mom and dad were never on time for anything, which meant I was never on time for anything. I don't know, but now I'm paranoid and get stressed out when I'm late to anything. I don't know what to wear. I pull open a drawer and pull out a dark red crop top that has CA (as in California) in black lettering. I get some jean shorts and white converse ( which are more like brown at this point) and ran down stairs. I grabbed my bag and raced out the door. I was surprised to see Luke outside his house on the front steps with Calum. Calum was playing the guitar and they were humming lyrics.
"WHY AREN'T YOU GUYS AT SCHOOL!?" I asked, more like yelled. Again, the stress.
"Ella, chill it's Saturday" Luke said laughing at me. Calum was smirking. My tension released. "I feel so stupid." I said, coming up to the steps they were sitting on and setting my backpack down. 

"OH MY GOD. Jake is coming today!" I say squealing with excitement. I haven't seen him since we moved and I already missed him so much. 

"Ooooo Ella and Jakey sitting in a tree-" They started to sing. I hit Luke on the shoulder and he responded with "OW! Chill!" I laughed and asked them what they were working on. 

" A song for tonight, its called She's Kinda Hot." Calum spoke up.

" Play it!" I demanded and they smiled. They started to play a fun and upbeat song, it wasn't exactly like their normal style, but it was GREAT.

I clapped and cheered when they finished, it was really good.

"You should open with that song." I suggested.

"That's what we were thinking." Luke said. Suddenly a familiar black Chevy pulled up to my house.

"JAKE!" I screamed startling them. I ran up to Jake and jumped into his arms. He kissed me on the head and I rose my head to kiss him on the lips. I looked back to the steps where Michael, who apparently must've arrived after Jake or been inside, Luke and Calum were all looking at us with goofy grins on their faces. Jake gave me a confused look so I hopped down and took his hand, leading him to the boys. "Jake meet 5 Seconds of Summer, Michael, Calum, and Luke. Ashton isn't here right now." I said gesturing to each one of them. Jake still had a concerned look on his face." I've known them since I was like 3 we are just friends," I awkwardly reassured him. 

"Um Ashton is inside by the way." Mikey said. 

"Oh okay, well we are going to go inside so Jake can say hi to my mom, catch you guys later." They waved bye and Jake said it was nice to meet them. When we opened the door my mom was busy cooking grilled cheese and she stopped to come hug Jake.

" Hi sweetie! So nice to see you! Will you be staying here?" My mom asked.

"Oh I have a hotel room at the Marriot downtown, nice to see you too Mrs. Shepard." Jake said with a smile. I was really happy to see him, but not as excited as I was acting. Inside, I was confused about who I wanted to be with. Ashton's beautiful smile and wierd personality made me so happy. But Jake was romantic and caring. I could pretend to be happy, but inside I felt like I was being torn apart. Who even knew if Ash liked me. 

"Are you excited baby?" Jake asked me, snapping me out of my daydream as we walked up the stairs to my room.

"Uh, for what?" I asked.

"You invited me here to a party. Did you forget?"

"Juts for a second. But yes I'm really excited." I said kissing him on the cheek. 

Jake left to unpack at his hotel. I went next door to find Sara, Chloe, Jalynn, Ash, Mikey, Luke, and Calum all sitting on the front porch of Luke's house in a circle of chairs. They were laughing and singing. I smiled and went up the stairs of the porch to join them. Sara got up and I hugged her. I was happy to know she was okay. I sat next to her on a rocking bench. Chloe was sitting on Mikey's lap and told me that they were playing truth or dare. 

"So, its my turn" Jalynn said looking around as if she was searching for her next victim. "Ashton, truth or dare." she said giving him an intimidating look.

"DARE!" he decided immediatley.

"I have a good one. You have to kiss the prettiest girl here." Jalynn dared. Ashton looked at me and we locked eyes.

A/N OMG I'm so sorry (to the like 10 people that actually read this lol) I haven't updated for a couple weeks I've really meant to. School is out so I'll be updating a lot hopefully. This isn't edited because its 2 am and I'm too lazy. Please vote and add this to your reading list. Ok thanks luvs


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