Willows Whispers »Prologue

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||She always liked me more...
She always watched me more...
She didn't appreciate him...
I was the reason he died...||

23 years ago....

Matt: 5 years old

Walking into the hospital, the five year old by the name of Matt Hardy had a hold of his fathers hand while walking pass nurses and doctors.

He noticed they were walking by a lot of rooms that had babies in them. They were either sleeping or crying.

"Daddy, I don't like it here." The little Hardy looked up at his father and stopped walking, causing the father Hardy to stop walking as well.

"Matthew, don't you want to see mommy?" Gilbert Hardy asked picking up his son.

Matt shook his head while staring to let out a few tears.
"The hospital is scaring me...is mommy okay?"

Gilbert laughed and began to walk down the hall.
"Yes Matt, we have a surprise for you when we get to mommy's room."

Matt wiped his tears away from his eyes.
"What is it?"

"You'll see when we get there. You have to promise to stop crying though."

The little Hardy Matt nodded his head as his father put him down so he could walk the rest of the way.

//A Few Minutes Later//

Knocking on the door twice, Gilbert slowly opened the door and saw that his wife was asleep.

"Why is mommy sleeping on that bed?" Matt asked in a hushed whisper.

"She's tired from yesterday Matt, here come on in. She'll wake up soon." Before Gilbert and Matt could say anymore a cry of a baby startled them causing them to glance towards the bed.

Walking over to the noise, Gilbert carefully lifted the crying human out of the small bed and began to rock them back and forth.

Matt looked on confused with everything.

Why was his mother so tired?
Why was she connected to all those wires?
Why was his dad carrying a tiny human?

"Matthew..." A voice snapped him out his thoughts as he realized it was his mothers own soft, tired voice.

"Mommy." Matt whispered and walked over to his mother who sat up slowly and let him hop onto the bed.

"Hey cowboy, how are you doing?" She asked kissing the top of his head that was covered with his curly black hair.

"Why are you so tired mommy?" Matt asked his mother with a worried facial expression.

"Because...mommy just had a very important job that she had to do last night." She laughed along with Gilbert.

Matt was still worried about his mothers well being that he put his hand up against her forehead to check if it was hot.

 »Willows Whispers |Jeff Hardy x Trish Stratus|Where stories live. Discover now