Willows Whispers »Chapter Three

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||Matt had, had enough. His brother couldn't run from his problems anymore. With that thought, Matt told Lita to take Trish back to the women's locker room while he would have a talk with his younger brother.

Jeff couldn't hide anymore...he just couldn't.||

||Hardy Boy'z Locker Room||

"You kissed her...?" Matt asked causing, Jeff to sit down on a black steel chair and run his fingers through his red hair.

"I kissed Trish...she kissed back. It felt weird yet, amazing at the same time." Jeff explained to him; "The way she felt in my arms made me want to keep holding-"

"Enough Jeff." Matt interrupted the younger one; "You said you would never want to fall for anyone...yet, you're slowly falling for Trish."

"But, Matt." Jeff stood up; "You've always said to let people into my heart...and I want Trish to be the fi-"

"Jeff, you have never even spoken to Trish alone before, you're always running away from her and now you want to be with her?" Matt asked; "How is that logical!?"

"Are you not happy I'm finally trying to explore these feelings?" Jeff asked his brother.

"No!" Matt yelled; "I don't want her being one of your victims. If you hurt her because of these confused feelings, how do you think she'll feel!?"

"....then how am I supposed to ever explore these feelings!? I finally like a women and that's Trish yet, you don't let me." Jeff asked; "I don't get you Matt, I really don't."

With that statement Matt shook his head.
"Jeff...look you'll end up hurting her and yourself..."

"Matt I don't even know if she likes me back, she might have only kissed back because she felt bad. I have to ask her about these feelings and see if there's actually a-"

"Trish doesn't like you back Jeff, she felt bad. Obviously she only kissed back because she felt bad." Matt put his hands on his hips.

Matt noticed Jeff's sudden face expression change from curious to hurt. He didn't care though. He wasn't about to let Jeff steal another thing he wanted from his hands.

"How do you know-"

Without letting Jeff finish, Matt exited the locker room leaving the little Hardy all alone.

||Women's Locker Room||

Lita had calmed Trish down and now she listened as Trish seemed to glow while she talked about the Hardy boy.

"He's amazing...we've talked a lot actually only we do it...well secretively, we don't want the public thinking anything." Trish explained; "He's sweet, kind, protective...I don't know I just...I wish he would just open up to me more and trust me."

"Trish, Jeff has been through a lot during his childhood...I don't know what but, I know he has." Lita began; "I bet that's why he has trust issues with people...but, he kissed you!" Lita smiled; "You were his first kiss!"

Trish blushed a bit. Before she could say anything, a loud knock on the door startled the both of them causing, Lita to stand up and walk to check who it was.

"Matt?" Lita asked as she swung the door open; "What do you-"

"I need to talk to Trish...privately... please." Matt began.

"Matt I know, she told me everything about her and Jeff ki-"

"Amy, let me speak to her please." Matt repeated himself a bit harshly.

Lita was taken back as Matt's demeaning attitude had just lashed out at her.
"Trish...Matt needs to speak with you."
She called while looking over her shoulder.

The blonde stood up and walked to the two. Matt smiled and grabbed her hand pulling her out the locker room.

"Follow me please." He asked as she nodded in agreement.

||Down The Backstage Hall's||

Jeff had changed from his wrestling gear to his street clothes since his and Matt's match was canceled due to Jeff's mini disappearance.

He was ready to go to the hotel and just sleep. Matt didn't want him and Trish together so why should he even bother trying.

Matt would be upset with him and Matt was the only one Jeff had in his family, the only one who cared for him...and the only one who would never want to hurt him.

Although a little feeling in his heart was telling him that he wanted to talk to Trish he didn't feel like he should. Then again...

The kiss they had shared made him only want to continue kissing her. Hold her in his arms and do whatever else he could to let her know he could care for her.

Continuing his journey towards the parking garage he began to dig in his pocket to call up Matt and tell him he would be catching a ride with Chris.

As he did he heard the voice of his brother just behind the corner. Deciding to approach him since that was the way he was going, he made his way to the corner when he heard the familiar voice of the blonde he had kissed earlier.

Jeff stopped dead in his tracks, Matt and Trish together talking. Jeff sighed knowing Matt had probably ranted about how he wasn't the right guy for her...

Now even more hurt, he turned the corner wanting to see if Matt really was saying all those harmful things when something even more heartbreaking was brought to his eyes.

Matt kissing Trish...

Feeling himself feel betrayed by his own brother, the grip on his phone went lose causing, him to drop his phone on accident having it make a sound as it crashed to the floor.

Matt quickly turned and saw pure sadness and hurt in his brothers eyes. All of a sudden he felt the blonde turn him around and slap him across the face.

"Jeff-" before Trish could say anything else, Jeff had already fled the scene and had walked out of her sight.

Trish looked back at Matt.
"What the hell is wrong with you!?" She screamed.

Matt didn't say anything, he just smirked a bit and walked towards her.
"Look Trish, Jeff wouldn't have been able to-"

"I don't care what Jeff couldn't do! All I care about is him knowing I would be there for him 24/7 but, now his own brother has backstabbed him! How is he ever going to trust anyone else again!?" She asked him.

Matt stayed silent. She was right. Jeff would now never want to trust anyone...because of him.
"I have to find him-"

"Good luck. You'll need it." Trish, obviously furious picked up Jeff's phone and walked away back to the women's locker room.

She couldn't believe what Matt had done, forced his lips on her own. She couldn't even move because of him having her arms locked behind her back tightly. It had happened so quickly too.

Hope you enjoyed

Thanks for reading and I'll catch ya later!!!

Peace Peace


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