Willows Whispers »Chapter One

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//Many Years Later//
Matt: 27
Jeff: 22

Running down the halls, he couldn't look back, he felt confused and almost a bit threaten with everything going on around him.

"Jeff!" He heard his brothers voice yell at him from down the hall.

This caused him to pick up the pace and begin looking for a place to hide from his older brother, he didn't want to be anywhere near her...she made him feel weird.

Finally, he found a hallway that wasn't lit up at all, without thinking he ran down that hall. He couldn't see a thing, the only thing he could do was try to feel for a door knob.

"Jeffro! Why are you running!?" His brother's voice made him want to do nothing more than just run faster.

Finally he felt something like a doorknob, he twisted it, and lucky for him it was unlocked. He stepped inside and shut the door quietly just so Matt wouldn't be able to tell where he had gone. 

The Hardy boy by the name of Jeff began to calm down as he relaxed himself. His breath and heart beat began to slow down once again...

After he felt relaxed and safe again, he looked up and saw nothing but, pitch blackness around him.

Leaning against the door, he began to feel his heart pick up again and he didn't know why. He wasn't running anymore nor, was he scared of anything in this room. Yet, his heart was still beating faster rather than calming down.

Then he remembered...

He had just been embarrassed in front of the women he had only meet a few weeks ago, a new WWF wrestler. She was gorgeous if not beautiful, sure she was a fitness model but, that wasn't the only reason he thought that.

Her voice brought joy to his ears when ever she talked to him.
Her eyes were a perfect shade of brown that always seemed to glow brightly.
Lastly her smile...what was it about that smile...about her, that caused his heart beat faster and his body feel warm all over...

Leaning his head against the door, he sighed to himself. The memory of her perfection had completely been erased when the memory that had occurred a few minutes ago swept in.

He had been getting ready for his match in the backstage halls, he was fixing his purple baseball cap when he felt someone walking towards him, it was her.

They had talked a bit about the up coming match he was having with Matt. When his opponents had come around the corner and started touching the women he found so special.

He tried to tell them off but, him only being 22 and not as big as the other guys, he had gotten double teamed and completely destroyed in front of her.

Luckily his good friend Chris Jericho and his brother had ran up and scared them away.

That didn't erase the fact that he had failed in keeping the women safe whether she needed it or not, she probably through he was pathetic, weak, useless now...

He didn't know...
He quite frankly didn't want to know...
She had something special about her...
He just didn't know what it was...

||Hardy Boyz Locker Room||

The door opened up letting the elder Hardy inside the locker room.

"Did you find him?" The blonde asked as soon as he had walked in.

Shaking his head.
"No, he ran...I don't know maybe he thought something was his fault."

"Why? He didn't do anything wrong." The blonde replied; "Was he okay, did he seem okay?"

"Trish calm down, it's Jeff he's gonna be fine." Another female voice spoke up from behind; "Besides he'll be back he can't hide forever."

"I know Lita but, I just want to make sure he's okay, Test and Albert beat him up pretty badly..." Trish replied causing herself to sit down on a chair.

"This is a bit of my fault though...if it wasn't for Test and Albert wanting me as their manager he wouldn't have gotten hurt." The blonde added.

"Nothing is your fault Trish, besides like Lita said, it's Jeff that fucker will come back and be good as new." Y2j spoke up from Matt's side.

"Chris is right, besides Test and Albert had no right in touching you like that and Jeff knew, he wouldn't have tried to stop it if he didn't care for you." Lita added, then quickly shut her mouth when both Matt and Chris looked at her.

They turned their attention back to the blonde who was currently running her fingers through her hair.

"And I have to find him to thank him..." Trish stated, standing up and walking towards the door.

"Trish, you should wait here. He may come back." Chris suggested but, that didn't stop her from opening the door to the locker room.

"No, I want- I need to find him." She replied and walked out the room.

||Back With Jeff||

He had began pacing around the dark room in full panic mode. He was currently shaking his head and gripping his hair.

While the thought of Trish haunted him, he realized what was going on and he didn't like it at all.

'No, no, no, no...' He thought to himself, he was in trouble with his own emotions.

During the thought of her, he had came to realize he was feeling the same feelings his own brother Matt had for Lita before they had split.

The blushing, the heart beats, the warm feeling, the thoughts of her being perfect...Matt felt that for Lita before.

He didn't like it at all, he couldn't be with anyone, not any girls, not even Trish Stratus...he just couldn't.

He didn't want to be hurt where it stung the most. Not again...


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