Meet Brittch (Ch. 2)

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A/N: It's official.... JEREMY KAPONE IS MY COLTON! I hope you guys agree with me. (: He just seems like the perfect guy!  Gif of him to the side (:   Enjoy the chapter!


Colton. Of course. Who else? This is too cliche. "What the hell!" Maya said through her gritted teeth. She pushed him away hard with her foot, but the dark haired boy only moved back a few inches.

"Wow, you're a strong girl. And feisty too." Colton smirked. "I like All Time Low, too."   Her eyes lit up. Huh, who knew. She fanned away her cloud of anger.

"I'm surprised. I thought guys like you would enjoy rap and... stuff like that. So what's your favorite song by them?"  

"A Love Like War." Colton shrugged, his fist against his cheek as he held his arm up with the other crossed around his abdomen.

Maya tilted her head at him, "Me too." Colton smiled a little at her response and took a seat in front of her.

"What did you say you were in class today?" He asked.  

"I was about to say a bitch, but we were in a classroom." Maya shrugged.  

"I guess we have a lot in common, Lemon." He smirked.  

"Stop calling me that! What does that even mean?" Maya asked, putting her head against the locker.   Colton chuckled. 

"Why did you come to this school, anyway?"  

"We moved." Maya replied, trying to keep her cool.  

"Hm. From where?" Colton asked.  

"Florida?" Maya replied, finding him a little creepy from asking so many questions.  

"You know, you're name is too sweet for someone who swears, is strong, wears clothes like this, and is okay with calling herself a bitch." Colton said, then put his hand under her chin. She slapped it away.  

"Don't you dare lay one finger on me." Maya eyed him.  

"Can I put up a finger at you?" Colton asked. Maya eyed him, "In you?"

"Colton, thats disgusting!" Maya yelled.   Colton laughed.

"All right, Lemon."   Maya put up her middle finger at him, and Colton laughed louder. A hand was put on his shoulder, interrupting his laughter.

"Son of a bitch, I'm talking with someone-" Colton was about to punch the person behind him, but realized it was a girl. His voice got calm. "Oh.. Sorry, Britt. Had no idea it was you."

"Who is this?" Britt asked.  

"I'm right here. You can ask me." Maya said, an eyebrow raised.  

"What a bitch. I hate her already." Britt said, crossing her arms.  

"Thank you." Maya smiled, then took out her ear buds because things are starting to get interesting.  

"Britt, this is Maya. She's new. Maya, this is my girlfriend, Britt." Colton said. Girlfriend?  

"Yes, I'm his girlfriend. And only HIS girlfriend." Britt said.

Maya raised one eyebrow, examining her outfit. It was a geometric skirt that was white and light pink, and a matching shirt. She had peach colored flats and a matching bow in her sandy hair.   "I think I got the point that you're his girlfriend." Maya said, then took one last glance at her outfit. "And I definitely know you're a girl according to your getup." Colton chuckled.  

"What's that supposed to mean?" Britt asked.  

"I just told you. Were you listening? Or were you thinking about puppies, shoes, and hair ties?" Maya asked.   Britt scoffed, and Colton laughed.

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